The Soother

The Soother by Elle J Rossi

Book: The Soother by Elle J Rossi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle J Rossi
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face. Eron parted his lips and took a controlled breath, pulling the shadows inside. The dark vapors crawled beneath his skin like a mole burrowing underground. He’d essentially turned free shadows into his captives, now owning them for life. Mesmerizing as that was, Riona wouldn’t get distracted. Why hadn’t Eron delivered the two witches to her? Another act of rebellion? He would have to be dealt with. But first things first.
    “I am impressed by many of you.” True statement and one she didn’t offer lightly. Much of the village was consumed in flames. Dancing orange and blue sizzling serpents lit up the night sky and produced heat that could rival the flames of hell. When the fires burned out, there would be nothing but charred remains for the witches to come back to. The ones who still breathed, anyway. Her heart sped up as giddiness doused some of her anger. Many had lost their lives here tonight, and the fact that the tally of living was in her favor pleased her to no end. On the other hand …
    “But I’m not so impressed with others. Not in the slightest.” She heard the rustling behind her, knew that Samone fought against the magickal restraints. What did he think? That if he broke free, he could dash away before she could capture him? Not hardly. His ignorance sealed his fate.
    “My lady, please,” he begged. “Let me explain.” Riona threw up her hand, silencing Samone with her own dose of black magick. She didn’t have to turn around to know his mouth now bore a gag. The sounds of his struggle against the filthy cloth was evidence enough.
    Choking on fear wouldn’t be cruel enough, wouldn’t set the proper tone. Using a combination of her nails and black magick, Riona spun and decapitated Samone with one smooth swipe. His head fell with a thud, eyes wide open as his shadows crawled out of his neck, twisting through the air, already searching for new hosts. A symphony of astonished hisses and gasps floated to her ears, and she knew her message had not only been clear, but had been taken as the warning she’d intended. Riona lifted her skirt and stepped away from the blood, frowning at the splatter on her new leather boots.
    “You two,” she said, pointing to a pair of yellow-eyed shifters. “Bury him.” Fur immediately gave way to flesh, and elongated muzzles flattened into more human-like features as they rose from all fours to stand as men. Samone was one of her people after all, and as such deserved a proper burial.
    She walked down the line until she came upon a disturbing being, his skin so pale she swore she could almost see the muscle and ligaments beneath. Eyes the color of clear blue crystals stared back at her, unblinking. His face showed no emotion. Never had. How Krystoff and he had become friends was beyond her, but she had every intention of using that relationship to her advantage. Didn’t hurt that she had an ace card stored away. Yes, this interesting creature would do her bidding for a long time to come.
    “Nomas?” She wouldn’t give him the respect of using his given name. Since he was the only nomas she had ever come across, there was no doubt she was addressing him.
    He crooked his head. His white spiky hair reminded her of the quills on an albino porcupine.
    “Do whatever it is you do and find my son.”
    A tight nod was the only response he gave. Fine by her. She had another situation to handle. Riona nodded, and then crooked her finger at Eron. “A word.” Certain Eron would follow, she strolled into the forest.
    Back straight, Riona wiped the blood from her nails with a black lace handkerchief, then buffed them to a high shine. “My orders were clear. Where are they?”
    A deep voice answered with a tone that portrayed annoyance. “Only one was present.”
    “Which one?” She turned, sucked in a quiet breath. Eron stood so close, he was practically on top of her, his gleaming chest but an invitation for her tongue. Unwilling to take a step back, she waved

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