The Slime Dungeon: Book 1 (The Slime Dungeon Chronicles)
family were also attacked, that would be seen as an effort to destroy the bloodline, but as it stands, besides our reputation, no one else has suffered. To make things worse for the culprit, the men within our forces are surging with bloodlust after hearing about Diana’s plight."
    "Father." Prince James spoke up, "Would it not be wise to investigate what happened in the dungeon itself?"
    The king turned to regard his son, "How so Prince?"
    The prince cleared his throat, "The reports state she was found at the entrance days after she entered it. The men who attacked were never found, but according to her, they died the same day they entered. The newest dungeon report states that it has gained the power to create multiple realities within itself, which corroborates her story. I doubt the existence of the so called ‘rescuer,’ yet someone or something was responsible for her safety. The midwives have confirmed her chastity intact, yet our sister is severely weakened. There is no doubt the letter was used to have an effect on her."
    "If the dungeon can hold copies of itself, it is unlikely we would ever find the original tunnel she entered.” Prince Marcus spoke up, "That being said, I find myself at the rare opportunity to agree with my fellow prince. The dungeon holds some clues, even if we have to dig it up from the bowels of the earth to find it."
    King Duran considered for a moment, "Send trusted men as part of the adventurers’ group that will be raiding the dungeon. Have them check for anything unusual while they are down there. Also, keep an eye on Sir Koran. He may seem innocent, but those were his friends who attacked Diana. If anything, a man's company reflects the man himself. I am going to check on my daughter."
    Dismissed, the siblings bowed and left the room, Hilda being led by Ken and Shiva. Queen Nia walked over to her husband and took his arm. He smiled up at her, "My dear, the gods know how you are a light upon my life."
    She twinkled at him, pulling him up. An accident many years ago had robbed the queen of her voice, but she managed to find ways to talk to her family by using magic to change her eye and hair color. The twinkle in her eyes expressed amusement. It was followed by a sad deep blue as she hugged her husband.
    "I know my dear; I'm worried for her too." With that, the two left the throne room and headed to the royal infirmary. As it was, the princess was currently the only patient within its walls.
    The couple took her hand and bowed their heads, praying to the gods of light for healing and guidance. One of the healers came over to them and bowed to them. "Greetings your royal majesties, I am the healer in charge of the princess.” As they were noticeably nervous, the healer quickly continued, "As you can see, she is sleeping soundly and in the process of healing. We have treated her as best we could and limited magical healing to a minimum in order to allow her to recover naturally.”
    “Naturally, but isn’t that terribly slow? Why can you not heal my daughter now?” The King asked frantically.”
    The healer shook his head, “We dare not heal her body too fast, as her mind is what we worry most about. The letter she was found with most certainly caused her a great deal of grief, so it is important for both her mind and body to heal together so she does not suffer further injury.”
    "We understand,” The King said gravely, taking his sobbing wife into his embrace, "How severe were her injuries?"
    The healer turned to the princess and began pointing out the various bandages and wraps, "There were injuries consistent with running and falling from a height, resulting in multiple bruises and a broken arm. From what my assistant has found, the assailants were unable to lay their hands on her directly and we have verified through magic that she remains pure. When she revived, she was barely coherent enough to name her attackers and their claims so her mind seems to be working. Our

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