The Slave Ship

The Slave Ship by Marcus Rediker

Book: The Slave Ship by Marcus Rediker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Rediker
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    Harrison, David
    Hawk (ship)
    Hawkins, Josephn.
    health care
    as lacking for slaves
    sailors complain about
    see also doctors (surgeons)
    Henderson, David
    Hesketh (ship)
    Hewlett, Captain
    Hilgrove, Nicholas
    Hill, George
    Hind (ship)
    History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade by the British Parliament (Clarkson)
    Hobhouse, Isaac
    Hogg, James
    Holiday, King of Bonny
    Holmes, Captain
    House of Slaves (Goree Island)
    Hudibras (ship) .
    Humble, Michael
    Hurry, William
    Hutchinson, William
    cannibalism feared by
    decentralized social organization of
    egalitarian practices on slave ships
    Olaudah Equiano
    female slave from
    Ibibio as enemies of
    language as widely understood
    Laurens on
    as product of slave trade
    suicide by.
    Industrious Bee (ship)
    insurrection on slave ships
    on Africa
    barricado for defense against
    Brooks image and
    on Brownlow
    causes of
    on Delight
    on French slaver
    on Hudibras
    on New Britannia
    outcomes of
    punishment for
    on Unity
    on Wasp
    Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African (Equiano)
    Ireland, Jonathan
Jackson, Richard
    Newton makes alliance with
    Newton sails with
    “Now have a hell of my own,”
    punishes slaves for attempted insurrection
    terror used by
    Captain Tomba delivered to
    as destination for slaves
    Laurens trades in
    Riland returns to
    Stanfield sails to
    Tacky’s Revolt
    James .L.R.
    James, William
    Jasper, Captain
    Jefferson, Thomas
    Jeffreys, Ninian
    Jenkins, William.
    Jillett, Thomas
    Job Ben Solomon
    John (ship)
    judicial punishments
Kabes, John.
    Katherine (ship)
    Kelsal, James
    Kennelly, John
    Kettle, James
    African merchants and
    African war as
    Bobangi on
    of Equiano
    of Gronniosaw
    Newton on
    resistance to
    King, Thomas
    Kingston (Jamaica)
    kinship, fictive
    Klein, Herbert S...
    Konny, John
Lace family
    Lady Neilson (ship)
    Lapsansky, Philip.
    Lapworth, Will
    Laroche, James
    Laurens, Henry
    Lawson, Caesar
    Lawson, Edward
    Leadstine, John
    Lees, William
    Leigh, William
    Lemma Lemma, Captain
    Lewis, Job
    Leyland, Thomas
    Liberty (ship).
    Lines, William
    Littleton, William
    becomes leading slave trading port
    Bight of Biafra trade of
    Brooks sails from
    Clarkson’s research in
    delegates to parliamentary hearings from
    farewells to slave ships in
    first recorded voyages from
    mortality rate for sailors from
    Newton sails from
    Noble family of.
    Parr built at
    recruiting slavers’ crews in
    “Bully” Roberts sails from
    sailors’ insurrection of
    slave-ship captains from
    slave ships built in
    specialized slaving vessels built at
    Stanfield sails from
    trend toward larger vessels in
    wage reduction in.
    Liverpool overtakes in slave trade
    trend toward larger vessels in
    Lopez, Aaron
    Lovejoy, Paul..
    Loyal George (ship)
    Lunda Empire
McBride, Captain
    McGauley, James
    McIntosh, William
    Mackdonald, Peter
    Magnus, John
    Manchester, Isaac.
    Manesty, Joseph
    Adlington owned by.
    Newton employed by
    slave ships built by
    Mane Wars
    Mann, Luke
    Manning, Patrick.
    Mansfield, Judge
    maritime tongues
    Marjoribanks, John.
    Marshall, Thomas
    Mary (ship)
    cat-o’-nine-tails used by
    eat with captain
    learning required of
    in slave-ship division of labor
    wages for
    watches taken by
    Matthews, John
    Memoirs of the Reign of Bossa Ahádee, King of Dahomy, and Inland Country of Guiney (Norris)
    Mendoss, John
    captain as representative of
    captains employed by
    Clarkson and
    in Liverpool insurrection of
    “ship’s husband,”
    slave ships as factories for
    slave trade controlled by
    Stanfield on
    in top

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