The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe)

The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe) by VJ Dunraven Page B

Book: The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe) by VJ Dunraven Read Free Book Online
Authors: VJ Dunraven
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to n otice.
    “Good merciful Omni!” Prince David tossed the swords on the couch. “It's about time!” He gave him a hug and vigorous pats on the back.
    Prince William's smile disappeared. “Well, that's just it.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “We'll have to stay longer. She needs more time. She doesn't know who I am.”
    Prince David raised his eyebrows. “You're jesting!” His eyes widened when Prince William slowly shook his head. “How much time?”
    “Hopefully not much.” Prince William lifted his shoulders. “The sooner I can make her concede that she's in love with me, the earlier we can go home.”
    “How can you be certain she's in love with you?” Prince David asked with exaggerated perplexity. “She didn't seem, er—, besotted with your le gendary charisma when you dropped her on her bum.”
    “Oh, but she is. She just doesn't know it yet.”
    Prince David rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “And how are you planning to make her concede, may I ask?” He folded his arms across his chest. “You've never wooed a girl in your life.”
    “I never needed to,” Prince William replied conf idently, “and neither have you.”
    Prince David roared with laughter. “Ah, Philippe and I may be popular with the ladies, but not as—shall we say—sought-after as you are.”
    “Thank you, Cousin, for inflating my ego.” Prince William chortled. “Perhaps I'll join you in armed combat after all.”
    “I hope your plan to charm her into submission works.” Prince David chuckled. “I would hate to see your ego trodden.”
    “It has to work.” Prince William gave him a serious look. “And remember—keep this between us and our cousins.”
    “What about Catherine?” his cousin asked in a somber tone.
    The Prince paused for a moment. “I have to talk to her.” His jaw clenched. “Don't mention a word about this to her or anyone else.”
    Prince David nodded. “I agree, but you'll have to straighten everything with her soon. We can't keep on hiding things from her. She is a friend and we'd rather not be involved with pe rsonal matters between the both of you. Other than that, we support you in every way.”
    “Yes, I understand. She'd always come uninvited, but I didn't think she would follow me this far.” Prince Wi lliam uttered a tsk in disapproval. “Her unexpected arrival certainly made things more arduous to deal with.”
    Prince David shook his head. “You should've br oken up with her back in Switzerland.”
    “She's not my girlfriend, David.” Prince William gave him an irked glance.
    Prince David shrugged. “I know—but does she?”
    “Well, if she doesn't, she will—now.” Prince Wi lliam sighed.

Chapter 13
    John Drake’s Affliction
           In a large estate hidden in the remote wilderness of the Australian Northern Peninsula, John Drake sat combing through the school records from America. He had been in his library for hours and his patience had thinned considerably.
    He re-examined all students named Elizabeth and checked other Royal enrollees in case she used a diffe rent name, but none led him anywhere. Frustrated and discouraged, he decided to go through one last list for the day.
    He scoured the files, but found nothing. Then, t owards the end of the registry, something caught his eye. John sat back in his chair and stared at the name he thought never to encounter again.
    Lady Catherine XV. It had been so long ... memories of the events that led them to cross paths came rushing back.
    It began with the ambush and assassination of his parents on their way home. He was only four decades old at that time; twelve years after his maturity at age twenty eight. He found himself suddenly alone, taking on the role as Duke of Northern Peninsula.
    John twirled his pen and sighed at the memory. Many had doubted his abilities, but only three years after the incident he already surpassed his father's achievements. He was smart, savvy, and a financial genius. He

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