The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe)

The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe) by VJ Dunraven Page A

Book: The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe) by VJ Dunraven Read Free Book Online
Authors: VJ Dunraven
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the Tainted not just to co nceal her true identity, but also to give her time to adjust—.”
    “You are implying that I should have more patience and not rush her,” Prince William inserted brusquely.
    “Precisely, Your Highness.” Richard inclined his head. “She is only seventeen—.”
    “Seventeen?” The Prince hurled a sharp glance at Sir Henry.
    “The sign of the Omni appeared early, Your Highness.” Sir Henry curtailed his anxiety. “I had no choice but to call on you, even if she needed another year before she could fulfill her destiny.”
    The Prince muttered an expletive under his breath and dragged his fi ngers through his hair.
    “The time could be used favorably to establish a r elationship, Your Highness,” Richard said quietly. “Patience has its rewards.”
    “Patience is something I do not possess nor do I have the time,” the Prince retorted and stood up. “Thank you, Sir Henry, Mr. Stapleton.”
    Both men rose quickly from their chairs.
    “I shall summon you if I need anything.” The Prince strode to the door and left the room.
    Sir Henry shook his head and turned to Richard. “I knew he wouldn't be pleased with the situation.”
    “He's quite upset.” Richard shrugged. “But if he doesn't heed my counsel he may be in for a surprise. L ady Elizabeth is headstrong. She was raised differently and doesn't have any concept of the magnitude of his rank. She will put him in his place.” His mouth curved at the corners.
    “Let the merciful Omni help us all when that ha ppens,” Sir Henry said and patted Richard on the back.
    Prince William stared out the window of his private suite located in the right wing of Darian Hall, reflecting on the conversation he had with Mr. Stapleton and Sir Henry.
    He had not counted on a prolonged stay in America. He and his cousins did not come here to study. His main goal was to find Elizabeth and promp tly bring her back to England. His cousins came to provide extra protection. However, he didn't expect to find her unaware of their shared destiny or that he had to wait a year to have her.
    Blast it! He cast a surly gaze at the starless night sky, restraining his impulse to grumble to The Great Omni. Most certainly, this was a new test to challenge his fortitude. The All-Powerful had dealt him with yet another curve-ball, complicating an otherwise simple task.
    The Prince pursed his lips in frustration. He de spised not foreknowing anything and curbing his powers to honor The Omni’s wishes that he acquire wisdom through human means. As to what sort of wisdom there was for him to learn this time around remained a mystery.
    He sighed. Now how, pray tell, was he going to convince Elizabeth she belonged with him by acting like a mere mortal? Their first real encounter had been a disaster, but then again ... he chuckled at the thought of that shy smile she gave him after combat class. Perhaps there was hope after all.
    A few taps on the door interrupted his contempl ation. He glanced over his shoulder and willed the door to open.
    “Would you care to join us for armed combat?” Prince David, one of his cousins, leaned on the doorway carrying two swords.
    “Maybe another time.” Prince William beamed at him.
    Prince David gave him a discerning glance. “Is there something I should know?” He stepped into the room. “I daresay you look—,” he made a show of searching for the right word, “ radiant .”
    Prince William threw his head back and laughed. He had never felt so elated in his life—even if nothing had gone as planned.
    “Well?” Prince David regarded him with teasing eyes.
    “She's here, David.” He couldn't stop grinning like a love-struck schoolboy. “I finally found her.”
    Prince David gaped at him for a moment before a look of delight crossed his face. “That feisty girl in Major Alexander's class ... she's The One , isn't she?”
    “None other.” Prince William suppressed his amusement. His cousins knew him too well not

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