The Sheik's Furious Bride (Love By Accident)

The Sheik's Furious Bride (Love By Accident) by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: The Sheik's Furious Bride (Love By Accident) by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
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was unbuttoned at the neck and she could see his dark skin with just a hint of black hair peeking out from the V where the fabric hadn’t been closed.  “ I don’t want to eat with you.”   She swallowed painfully, a lump stuck in her throat that she couldn’t seem to dislodge. 
    “I didn’t ask if you wanted to eat.  And since I’m in charge here, I can only assume that you staying here in your bedroom was an invitation for me to come here instead of us eating in the dining room.  I’m touched,” he said and reached out to caress her cheek.
    She avoided his hand, but just barely.  “I didn’t invite you here!  You have to leave.”
    He shook his head and moved closer.  “No.  I don’t have to do anything.  You see, I command you.  Not the other way around.”  His voice was soft, but very firm. 
    “You don’t own me!”
    “Tsk tsk, my dear.  You’re really going about this whole thing the wrong way.  You should be trying to tempt me into your bed and show me how willing you are to be my wife .  Wives should always be excited to be with their husbands .”
    She tried to step around him but he blocked her escape with a strong arm planted firmly against the courtyard wall behind her.  “I don’t want to be your wife and there’s nothing you can do to change that fact !”   She was trying very hard to not scream out, keeping her voice low and firm so that he knew that she wasn’t just being arbitrary but truly didn’t want this marriage to happen. 
    He chuckled.  “Ah, but you see, I very much want to be your husband, to touch you and feel you.”   His hand cam up and a finger slid softly down her bare arm, sending shivers along her skin and her mind whirled, her thoughts scattering just as they had earlier in the day.  Both times he’d held her in his arms, he had been able to make her do things that were crazy and out of character . 
    “You’re not my husband!” she cried out, desperate to get away from him because even now, her body wanted to sway towards him and relive that feeling she’d experienced earlier today.  She felt betrayed by her own skin, her mind telling her to run and fight this man while every other part of her wanted to melt into him and taste him, feel his body as close to hers as possible. 
    “I will soon be your husband.  You need to accept that . ”  He watched the goose bumps form on her skin as his fingers moved back up her arm, softly caressing her neck and the delicate shell of her ear.  “ Perhaps we should move up the wedding date.  I don’t think I’m going to make it another week without having you in my bed.”
    She thought frantically, trying to come up with some way to gain a reprieve.  She couldn’t marry this man in less than a week.  She had to figure out what to do, how to handle this situation.  “No!”   She wanted to be more articulate, to give him valid reasons to keep their wedding date set for the following week but his touch was making her mind turn to mush. 
    His fingers moved down her arm, watching with fascination as the goose bumps appeared along her skin following his fingers wherever they went.  “Why not?   We both want this.  Why torture ourselves with waiting?”
    “Because I don’t want this!   I really don’t!”
    “Your body is telling me differently.”  He looked down into her scared eyes and thought about backing off, but he’d done that earlier today and she’d retreated too far.  Maybe it was time for him to show her that things didn’t have to be so contentious.  “Let me show you that this can be much more enjoyable than earlier today.  What you experienced in my office this afternoon was only a precursor to how good we can make each other feel.”
    “No!” she gasped, terrified of how alluring his words were.  How could their actions feel better?  This afternoon had been mind- boggling , how was she to endure anything more intense?  “Please.  Just give me time to work

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