The Seduction Game - Rock Star Edition
    Rock Star Edition
    Ah there it is, that look that tells me I
have sealed the deal. Sometimes this is just too easy, if you know
how to play the game right.
    “You’ve set your goals too high, Sarah. This
one is out of reach, even for you.” Amy leans in to speak in my ear
but she’s missing the eye contact he keeps making with me. Instead,
she’s focused on sloshing the last of the contents in her glass
around with a pout.
    Our eyes meet from afar. His gaze travels
over my body and before long, those brilliant blue eyes of his
settle back on mine. The pulse pounds in my veins almost like it’s
keeping with the tempo of the bass. Heat rises over my chest and
makes its way into my face causing me to blush. I give a shy
sideways smile, and glance away to respond to my best friend.
    “I think you may be wrong this time. I can’t
look, is he still watching me?” My hand grips her arm for support,
probably a little too hard.
    She looks up and laughs out loud. “Well, if
you’re the reason Mr. Hard Ass is wearing that Cheshire cat grin, I
retract my previous statement. Go get ‘em girl. I’m gonna go get a
refill, want one?”
    “Sure,” My glass is taken from my hands
without my need to respond to her.
    From stage, the bronze haired, tattooed, rock
star can’t see the audience when the spotlights are shining in his
face. This is a little known fact that only someone who has stepped
on a stage and had those ultra-hot halogen lights pointed at them
would know.
    I garnered this knowledge from my theater
days in high school, and college. It’s like staring at someone
walking into the sunset. Sure you can see them, but only as a dark
mysterious figure.
    Ah the good ol’ days of theater. Being
pursued by the male lead, pressed up against the wall moments
before your queue. Velvet drapes concealing roaming hands and
stolen kisses, while friends and family await your great act. The
stage is where I learned the art of seduction. I’m still perfecting
my craft today.
    While the spotlight is on there is no need to
even look on stage, I lose myself in the atmosphere letting the
alcohol move my body in time with the music. I wiggle my butt and
jump around, releasing some of my pent up energy.
    When the spotlight turns off, that’s when I
look at the stage, still dancing, but more seductive now. His eyes
meet mine and I purse my lips, he smiles back at me and nods his
    Amy comes back with a couple of drinks and
hands me one. In her best Steve Irwin voice she jokes, “Tonight’s
target is a gorgeous specimen of a rock star, currently on stage
performing to an audience of a few thousand.”
    “Crikey, he’s a beaut,” I chime in.
    The muscles in his forearm flex as he tosses
his guitar around on stage. I can only imagine the tenacity he will
have in tossing me around later tonight, and my breathing kicks up
a notch. He notices and smirks at me when he catches me biting my
bottom lip, trying to contain the excitement.
    “To us.” A grin spreads across her face and
our glasses clink in celebration.
    “To sexy Rock Gods,” I correct her.
    Amy has been my partner in crime for longer
than I can remember. We grew up together. When we started noticing
boys, we began to learn how to handle them properly to get what we
    “So what’s the plan for tonight?” Amy knows I
always have a plan.
    “It’s all about placing yourself in the right
place at the right time.” The corner of my mouth twitches up and I
lean in to divulge our secret. My eyes stay trained on my target
though, as I speak in her ear.
    “The band is doing a meet and greet after the
show, so let’s meander around for a while. We can find the tour bus
after the meet and greet so it doesn’t seem like we’ve been
standing there the whole time.”
    She nods knowingly and glances up at the
stage. I follow her gaze.
    “Are there any prospects for me tonight?” she
    “I think the drummer is married, but aside
from him, go

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