The Seduction Game - Rock Star Edition
    “Exactly.” She laughs and grabs my hand.
“He’s looking again, time to go.” Amy is the best wingman a girl
could want. I try to do the same for her when it’s her time to
    Don’t get the wrong idea, we are not gold
diggers, or sluts, we are just aware of the world. Neither of us
want to settle down with the men we go after. We love to be in
control too much, and rich and powerful men love control, it would
never work. We are both simply young, and want to have our fun.
    Some would call us sluts, but in reality,
those people would do the same if they knew how. Let’s also be
honest, there are far more sorority girls who have
slept with far more men then the both of us combined. We
choose our partners carefully, not simply get drunk and have a
one-night stand with the boy in the dorm next door. We’re also very
discrete, not a single one of our friends know about our secret
    The French philosopher, Marquis de Sade said
it best when he said, “Sex is as important as eating or drinking
and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as
little restraint or false modesty as the other.”
    There is a freedom like no other in knowing
there are no strings attached. There is no awkwardness.
    “I’ll take two shots of whiskey,” The
bartender cocks an eyebrow at me when I slide my credit card across
the bar for my drinks. “Keep it open.”
    The nervous energy inside of me needs to be
calmed down. Amber liquid goes down smooth and warm and settles in
the depths of my stomach.
    The Rock Star is no longer gravitating toward
the side of the stage I was standing at, this tickles me. Whether
he consciously knew he was playing toward the side of the audience
I was at or not, I will never know.
    We stayed at the bar joking with the
bartender while the event staff moved everyone out of the venue
once the show was over. They never looked twice at us sitting
there; nor did the bartender ask us to leave. At the same time, we
never want to overstay our welcome, it’s a fine line to walk.
    “We should let you clean up.” I smile at the
bartender, turning my attention to Amy. “Should we go outside?”
    “Lead the way.” She sweeps her hand out, eyes
dancing eager to start our part of the night. The excitement begins
to swell inside of me as well.
    “Did you ladies have fun tonight?” The dark
skinned guy, behind the merchandise table asks as we pass by. Not
wanting to stand outside by the tour bus for too long, we pause to
    “Of course, did you?” Amy smiles at him.
    “It wasn’t too bad, and it’s the last night
of our tour. As fun as it is, it’s exciting to know I’m going
    “I’ll bet, it looks like you got mobbed
here,” I say pointing to the disorganized scatter of merchandize
all over the table. There are stickers mixed with CD’s and shirts
are wadded up and carelessly tossed about.
    “A little.” He laughs. “People have to get
their swag. The band is having a signing right now, you know?”
    “We didn’t know. Good for them,” Amy chimes
in and we begin to help him organize the table.
    “I’m Amy by the way, this is Sarah.” She
holds out a hand and he takes it.
    “Darren, nice to meet you two. And thanks for
helping, you don’t need to do this.”
    I hand him a stack of folded shirts and wave
my hand dismissively. “It’s fine. We’ve got nothing better to do so
we’re just killing a little time.”
    “Oh really? We’re having a little hotel after
party to celebrate the wrap of our tour; if you guys want to come
you’re more than welcome. Especially after all of your help.”
    “That’s awesome, we’ve got no plans, right
Amy?” She nods in agreement. “We’d love to come.”
    “Cool.” He pulls out his phone, “I’ll text
you the address.”
    This night is going much easier than I ever
imagined it could.
    “Now, what can I get you for helping us out?
How about a bumper sticker.” He pushes a large taxi cab yellow

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