The Seducer (Viking Warriors)

The Seducer (Viking Warriors) by Jianne Carlo

Book: The Seducer (Viking Warriors) by Jianne Carlo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jianne Carlo
Tags: Romance
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water boiling in the fire at all times.”
    “I will arrange all that.”
    Elaina flinched at the thought of taking a knife to Jarvik’s skin. Though it had to be done, and she had had to do far worse in the past, ’twas the first time since her mother that she nursed someone she loved. A faint shuffling noise drew her attention to the open doorway, and her shoulders slumped in relief. “Deidra. Thank the lord.”
    “I have all the herbs and supplies we will need, and the firewater. You bathe him and clean his wounds. I will see to all else.” Deidra strode into the room and handed Elaina a sack. “Scissors, knives, needles, thread, dried pig guts, all you will need. I have the spices for the poultices in the kitchen and will begin making them.”
    She nigh on burst into tears so glad was she to have Deidra’s support. “I thank you with all my heart. I have not just realized that I love the knave to lose him to such a small wound.”
    Deidra hugged Elaina, and said, “Worry only about your husband. We will all take care of everything else. Torsten, do not dare argue with her. She will heal him.”
    For two days and two nights, Elaina worked tirelessly to rid Jarvik of the infection that had set in. She dared not sew his wound closed until all the pus was gone and the cut bled pure, red blood. One the third day, had she not been tired beyond her bones, she would have jumped for joy for the infection had been beaten.
    Jarvik had only regained consciousness fitfully during the two days, and she prayed he would remain asleep until she finished stitching him. Elaina felt rather than heard Deidra’s entrance, but she could not afford to lose her concentration and tied off the last stitch before looking up.
    Deidra made the sign of the cross. “Thank the Lord. The wound is clean?”
    “Aye. And the whites of his eyes are no longer yellow. The fever should break soon.”
    “Then, ’tis time you had a bath and a rest.” Deidra squeezed Elaina’s shoulder. “Kateri and Kitti need to see you too. Though they are too busy to miss you right now.”
    “Too busy?” Elaina dampened a cloth and cleaned a drop of blood pearling at the edge of the last stitch on Jarvik’s belly.
    “Aye. Catriona had the notion to assign Ainslin’s twins, Rob and Brom, to organize the nursery. Mother Mary, that woman should have been a warrior. We have not heard a peep from the children. Not a single quarrel. And you should hear your girls. Talk, talk, talk. They repeat all they hear. Up now. I have had the maids prepare a bath for you in the master’s chamber. They will bring you food and then the girls. Then you are to sleep.’
    Too weary to argue, Elaina did as she was told. Kateri and Kitti visited while she ate. The babes seemed to have become little girls overnight. They scrambled food from her trenchers, then walked around the room naming objects, looking to her for approval. Her last thought before she fell asleep was that they were growing too quickly.

    She opened her eyes to find Deidra hovering. Worry had Elaina shooting to a sitting position. “What is it? Has the infection returned?”
    “Nay. Jarvik is awake and roaring at everyone because he cannot see you.”
    Elaina braced against the wall for support. “Thank the Lord. Pass me my cyrtel, I must make haste.”
    “Nay. Take your time. ’Twill not harm him to wait a few more moments.” Deidra picked up a comb. “You slept for a day and a half.”
    Elaina flew to her feet. “Nay. How could you let me sleep for so long?” She scrambled for her chemise, tugged the garment over her head, then stepped into her cyrtel.
    “’Twas naught else you could do. And you will need the rest, for I fear your husband will not be easy to care for.” Deidra waved a hand. “You are not to be angry with me.”
    “I am nay angry. Worried.” She sat on the bed and donned her slippers. The mattress dipped when Deidra joined her. “You said he is

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