The Seducer (Viking Warriors)

The Seducer (Viking Warriors) by Jianne Carlo Page B

Book: The Seducer (Viking Warriors) by Jianne Carlo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jianne Carlo
Tags: Romance
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been training, she will pummel me.” Magnus holstered his sword. “I like this cove.”
    So did Jarvik. He had fond memories of taking Elaina here. He scanned the secluded bay bounded by high black cliffs on each end. Waves crashed onto the sandy beach, leaving dappled foam that fizzled under the sun’s rays.
    “Are you not anxious to return to your own keep?” Jarvik set his scabbarded sword on a large rock and shucked his boots and breeches.
    Magnus had already shed his shoes and clothes. “Aye. But Deidra will not leave until her new pet is healed.”
    Jarvik grinned before diving into a cresting wave. Deidra had befriended a wounded seal much to Magnus’s dismay. It had not been easy building a sheltered pool fed by the sea so the injured creature could be nursed.
    He broke the surface of the water and rolled onto his back. Though the sun shone brightly and the days were still long, the sea held the chill of portending winter.
    “Njal should arrive today.” Magnus treaded water next to him. “’Twill be a relief to know that the treaty has been signed.”
    “Aye.” Jarvik began paddling to the shore. “Though I fear we will have only a few seasons of peace. Already war has torn apart the Norse kingdom. There will be many seeking new lands. ’Tis a relief to have Torsten here with us and Njal’s scheming has been fruitful.” His feet touched sand, and he stood.
    Magnus had long been walking through the surf. He squeezed Jarvik’s uninjured shoulder. “What better position could we all be in if war comes? Our lands back each other’s. What coastline there is easily defended from invasion. Valan the Viper’s lands ride our borders and he will not take arms against us.”
    “Nay, not with Deidra’s twin as his wife. How you can tell one twin from the other I know not. But, ’tis the same with Brom and Rob. They fool us all the time, but Ainslin and Torsten know who is who immediately.”
    Magnus lay on the flat portion of a boulder. “Mayhap ’tis love that makes the differences obvious.”
    “Ne’er thought I that I would hear you speak of love.” Jarvik sat on the same rock and lifted his face to the sun. “Speak you of it easily with Deidra?”
    “Aye. Though I will nay speak of it more with you.” Magnus had always been the silent one, but Deidra coaxed words from him constantly.
    Jarvik would have the words from Elaina soon.
    “Though I will tell you what your wife told Deidra when we arrived.” Magnus rose on his forearms, and shot him a crooked grin. “She said that she had not just discovered she loved the knave to lose him to such a small wound.”
    Jarvik’s heart sang and the blood in his veins rang with elation. He had the need to repay Magnus for such wondrous tidings. Elaina loved him. “’Tis not easy for me to tell you, but I found your wife crying this morn.”
    Magnus leapt off the rock. “When this morn? What madness prevented you from saying so before?”
    Jarvik shrugged. “She made me promise not to tell you. And truly, she assured me ’twas naught.”
    “Naught! Naught!” Magnus dressed as he roared. “And what if I had found Elaina crying? You are indeed an oaf and a lout!”
    Oaf, lout.
    The words brought back memories of Elaina and the pond. Lord Patrick had made cert all knew of Jarvik’s first meeting with Elaina in the pond and had managed to spin the tale so Jarvik looked a court jester. But, Jarvik had had his revenge. For he and Garek had scattered dried nettle leaves on Patrick’s pallet. Messengers from Laufsblað Fj ë llóttr had detailed the lord’s sufferings, and Magnus had read them to Jarvik during the long days he’d lain in bed.
    Magnus cursed Jarvik until he mounted his destrier and galloped up the sloped beach.
    Jarvik waited until he could no longer see Magnus and his steed before gathering his clothes. Three sennights. For three long sennights, he had not sheathed his cock in Elaina’s sweet puss. Each eve and each morn they loved

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