The Secrets of Ice Cream Success
subject, but Vicky seemed determined to tease all the
potential gossip from the situation.
    ‘ I never liked
that boy. He’s got issues or something scientific like
    ‘ Then why’d
you invite him, Vik?’ Ben asked.
    ‘ I didn’t, my
brother did. It’s not even his party. My Mum just went to tell him
and his friends to go to the cinema or something. They always cause
trouble! Stupid boys!’ she finished with feeling. ‘So what did you
say to him to make him do that?’ she asked turning back to Carlo,
who shrugged.
    ‘ I didn’t, he
just walked over and started acting like a wrestler. All… “You
don’t respect me and I’m gonna rip you in two!”’ Carlo mimicked,
throwing his imaginary microphone to the imaginary canvas and
attempting a half-hearted elbow drop on Ben, who stepped aside and
pushed Carlo back to the floor before standing on his back and
waving to the imaginary crowd in relatively genuine
    ‘ Well, he’s
always been a bit of an idiot.’ Vicky added, trying her best to
show disapproval at the boys wrestling antics but smiling despite
herself. ‘But I’ve never seen him act like that before.’
    ‘ I think he
works for Hill’s.’ Ben said, nodding his head as if that explained
everything. Vicky looked perplexed.
    ‘ Hill’s
Chocolates?’ Abi supplied.
    ‘ Err, yeah.
But I still don’t get it.’
    Ben groaned.
Surely such slowness shouldn’t be allowed unless you’re Norton.
‘ He …’ Ben stated,
pointing at Carlo, ‘is the last remaining Leodoni! And he …’ he continued,
pointing after Herbert, ‘works for Hill’s. Therefore they …’ Ben made an
all-encompassing gesture with his hands, ‘are mortal enemies! Yes?’
he finished.
    ‘ I think the
phrase you’re looking for is competitors.’ Carlo said.
    ‘ In the
confectionary business.’ Abi added.
    Ben looked unconvinced. ‘Mortal
enemies is much cooler.’ he said, ‘Especially when you hate each
    ‘ I don’t hate
him!’ Carlo said, ‘Why do I have to hate anyone? I don’t even know
    ‘ Well, he
certainly seems to hate you.’ Vicky joined in. ‘Perhaps Ben is
right, perhaps Herbert is your, err…’
    ‘ Mortal
Enemy.’ Ben supplied, vindicated.
    ‘ Don’t humour
him, Vik, please.’ Abi said shaking her head as they set off
towards the house, Ben bringing up the rear with hands raised in
    As Carlo lay in his bed that
night reflecting on the day’s events he tried to make a list of the
main points in his head, something that Randy had told him was a
good way of remembering details when there was a lot going on.
    Firstly, he had a girlfriend.
Of this Abi was sure, though Carlo himself couldn’t see how she
came to this conclusion. Apparently the now arranged cinema date
was all that was required and Vicky herself had certainly seemed
very happy, holding his hand and smiling lots as they were leaving
the party, something Norton defined as “Acting Weird”, Abi as
“Showing an interest” and Ben as “Flirting”.
    He also had a “Nemesis”, a word
he didn’t really understand but which had been supplied by Newton
during a brief phone call to enquire on his health and update him
on the happenings at the party. Carlo took it to be a posh way of
saying “Mortal Enemy” after Newton had used various examples to
describe the role, including but not limited to Megatron &
Optimus Prime, He-Man & Skeletor and Newton’s Mum & Mrs
Jenkins from two doors down who was apparently “so nosy it wouldn’t
be a surprise if her large conk got trapped in her front door one
of these days” so often was she peeking through it to spy on
    And finally, he had a haunted
factory. This was certain now and whilst the party may have
temporarily driven this fact from the minds of his friends, Carlo
couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that had settled in his stomach.
Backwards clocks, vicious books and freezing cold rooms were one
thing, but the shouting was new

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