The Secret Trinity: Reign (Fae-Witch Trilogy, Book 3)

The Secret Trinity: Reign (Fae-Witch Trilogy, Book 3) by Jenna Bernel

Book: The Secret Trinity: Reign (Fae-Witch Trilogy, Book 3) by Jenna Bernel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Bernel
can’t physically track me, but he was definitely there,” I said in a shaky voice.
    “Why were you trying to trace him?  We know where his hide-out is now.”  Clay asked p ulling me back into his chest.
    “I wasn’t.  It’s like he knew I was using that gift and hijacked me out of my vision.  I t felt so real,” I said as another silent tear trickled down my face.
    “Did he hurt you?  What did he say?”  Clay asked, rubbing soothing circles over my back.
    “He wants my soul, Clay, and he’s going to take it,” I said, my whole body shaking out of control.  For the first time I truly believed that Liam was capable of getting anything he wanted, and the first thing on his list was my soul.  His stormy grey eyes had disappeared.  O nly dilated, onyx pupils were in their plac e.  The Black Magic had completely taken his heart and now there was nothing left to hang onto, not one glimmer of hope that he would ever show mercy in those eyes.  How could I defeat something so incredibly evil?
    “How did you find me?”  I asked , wondering how he heard my screaming from a soundproof room.
    “I’ll always be here to protect you, Ari.  I will n ever let Liam take your soul,” Clay said not really answering my question.  He had obviously sensed my pain and came looking for me.  Of course Clay wanted to protect my soul , because if Liam possessed it he would have power over Clay’s soul too.  That thought hurt as much as my ribcage cracking in my chest.  I touched my side to make sure nothing was truly broken.  The pain had dissipated in my ribs as I became more lucid.
    I buried my face into Clay’s chest.  H e squeezed me so tightly , I could tell he was debating if he should ever let go.  I feared my soul was Liam’s for the taking.  It was simply a matter of when.  My only solace now was that when Liam broke our sealment , Clay might be spared from his wrath and escape from this war into the life he deserves .

Chapter 16:  Matchmaker
    “Ari, do you want to play darts with me?”  Jeremy asked, holding up the darts in his hand.
    “I’m just starting to feel comfortable showing my face in here again, so I think I’ll pass.  Maybe Bree will play with you,” I suggested, bumping shoulders with her sitting next to me at the table.  Jeremy’s face noticeably blanched, suddenly nervous like he was on a first date.  It was sweet , really.
    “Sure,” Bree said in a relaxed manner, obviously not picking up on Jeremy’s suddenly pale state.  She stood up to join him over by the dart broad.  While Bree’s back was turned, I gave Jeremy a reassuring nod and mimicked a deep breath for him to chill out.  Jeremy nodded back, took a deep breath and turned his attention to B ree , giving her an easy smile.
    “What’s with him?”  Clay whispered calmly in my ear, noticing mine and Jeremy’s silent exchange, as if he played it cool I wouldn’t notice the golden jealous waves rising in him.
    “I guess he’s had a crush on her for some time, but never had the nerve to ask her out because he was worried about his Father’s disapproval.  But he’s all grown up now and living on his own, so I think he’s ready to go for it and throw caution to the wind.  We might be inspiring a culture shift here.  The next generation in Draíochta’s Court is turning the traditionalists on their toes.”  I whispered back to Clay, brushing the tip of my nose along his jaw while trying to ignore the fact that everyone in the pub seemed to have one eye on our interactions.
    “Good, that’s the plan.”  Clay said kissing me just below my ear, obviously glad to see that Jeremy had moved on.  I was relieved too because maybe they could be in a room together now without those competitive waves coming off of them, making me feel like I was being cooked in a microwave.
    When Clay had kissed my neck , I swear everyone in the pub stopped their conversation.  I felt like the paparazzi were going to

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