The Secret Trinity: Reign (Fae-Witch Trilogy, Book 3)

The Secret Trinity: Reign (Fae-Witch Trilogy, Book 3) by Jenna Bernel Page B

Book: The Secret Trinity: Reign (Fae-Witch Trilogy, Book 3) by Jenna Bernel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Bernel
been trying to break my sealment .  I begged him not to tell anyone about that when we returned to Draíochta and he agreed to keep it to himself.  No one except Adam knew about the pain I endured while captured, as Liam experimented with his Black Magic spells on me.  I knew the time would come when Adam started asking questions about my unusual Soul Keeper circumstance s.
    “Yes, it’s Clay,” I answered, just as blunt.  No use denying it with Adam.  He already knew enough to figure it out and he was mostly asking for the sake of confirma tion.
    “I still don’t understand how a sealment can be buried inside you like it is,” Adam said, looking me over like it was locked inside me trying to break free, and if he stared hard enough it would surface.  One could only hope.
    “It’s because I don’t remember it.  The day Clay and I had our sealment is the same day King Thaddeus almost drowned me.  I don’t really remember anything from that day.  I have dreams about it, but I always wake up before I look at Clay, seeing him for the first time.  It’s torture.”  I sighed.  It actually felt good to tell someone else about the dreams.
    “Oh, I see.  That makes sense now.  Wow, I can’t imagine.  I’m sorry , that sounds...rough,” Adam said as understanding registered on his face.  I could tell he didn’t know what to say to comfort me in this situation.
    “Have you thought about talking to him?  Maybe he can help you remember?”  Adam suggested.  Just like a guy, wanting to fix it.  W hy didn’t Clay want to fix it?
    “Clay doesn’t know that I know, and I’m not saying a word until he does first.  I couldn’t take it if he was disappointed that I found out.  Liam already broke my heart.  I can’t bear Clay breaking my soul too.  It’s all I have left.”  I said, and a quiver of tears bubbled up to the b rim of my eyes.
    “Do you really believe that’s how he feels, Ari, or is something else bothering you?”  Adam asked, calling my bluff.  I couldn’t say it out loud.  I quickly sniffled back the tears, knowing if I didn’t, I’d cry all night.  Adam didn’t push me further.  He knew I was terri fied, terrified to love again.

Chapter 18:  Family Trait
    “Seriously, it’s really uncool when you do that.”  Clay said loudly into the phone over the noise of the pub.  He had called to find out where I had disappeared to after he figured out that I bailed from the pub.  I was still with Adam, and I had just teleported back into the living room holding the trinity book I had retrieved from my dresser.  I wanted to show Adam the book and see if he could help me find a way to unlock it.  After all, he was in the bloodline too.  Maybe I needed a male Aira . 
    “Sorry, I didn’t want to sit around and watch Penni try to dry hump you all night,” I said, accidently letting the jealousy creep into my voice. 
    “I’m coming over,” Clay said, roughly clicking the phone shut, and I sighed.
    “See, he’s worried about you,” Adam said, as if that statement would really get me to confess to Clay when he came over.
    “He guarded me for six years; he can’t help himself.”  I stated, brushing him off.  “Anyway, th is is what I wanted to show you,” handing Adam the book.
    “Wow, it looks really old.  You said Jeremy found it in the A ira’s royal study?”  Adam asked , tracing his finger over the trinity symbol embossed on the cover just as I had.  Nothing happened when he touched it, and my heart sank a little with disappointment.
    “Yeah, o bviously based on the symbol, he thought it was a history book specific to our lineage.”  I explained.
    “Amazing.   The lock spell on it is very powerful.  I wonder what it go es with,” Adam marveled out loud.
    “I don’t know, but I would like to find out,” I said, and Adam nodded in agreement.
    “You know , Liam crashed in on my tracing while I was training today,” I told him, and Adam

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