The Rescue

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Book: The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicholas Sparks
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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    With the exception of Rhonda at the diner (who was twenty and single)-and Judy McAden-Denise didn't know anyone in town. It was one thing to lose her mother a few years back, it was a completely different situation to lose everyone she knew. Nor did it help to realize that it was her own fault. She'd chosen to move, she'd chosen to leave her job, she'd chosen to devote her life to her son. Living this way had a simplicity to it-as well as a necessity-but sometimes she couldn't help thinking that the other parts of her life were slipping by without her even knowing it.
    Her loneliness, though, couldn't simply be blamed on the move. In retrospect, she knew that even while she was in Atlanta, things had begun to change. Most of her friends were married now, a few had kids of their own. Some had stayed single. None, however, had anything in common with her anymore. Her married friends enjoyed spending time with other married couples, her single friends enjoyed the same life they had in college. She didn't fit into either world. Even those who had children-well, it was hard to hear how wonderful their kids were doing. And talking about Kyle? They were supportive, but they would never really understand what it was like.
    Then, of course, there was the whole man thing. Brett-good old Brett-was the last man she'd dated, and in reality it hadn't even been a date. A roll in the sack, perhaps, but not a date. What a roll, though, huh? Twenty minutes and boom-her whole life changed. What would her life be like now if it hadn't happened? True, Kyle wouldn't be here . . . but . . . But what? Maybe she'd be married, maybe she'd have a couple of kids, maybe she'd even have a house with a white picket fence around the yard. She'd drive a Volvo or minivan and spend every vacation at Disney World. It sounded good, it definitely sounded easier, but would her life be any better?
    Kyle. Sweet Kyle. Simply thinking about him made her smile.
    No, she decided, it wouldn't be better. If there was one bright spot in her life, he was it. Funny how he could drive her crazy and still make her love him for it.
    Sighing, Denise left the porch and walked to the bedroom. Undressing in the bathroom, she stood in front of the mirror. The bruises on her cheek were still visible, but only slightly. The gash on her forehead had been closed neatly with stitches, and though she would always have a scar, it was near the hairline and wouldn't be too obvious.
    Other than that, she was pleased with how she looked. Because money was always such a concern, she never kept cookies or chips in the house. And since Kyle didn't eat meat, she seldom had that, either. She was thinner now than she was before Kyle had been born-hell, she was thinner than she was in college. Without her even trying, fifteen pounds had simply melted away. If she had the time, she'd write a book and title it Stress and Poverty: The Guaranteed Way to Lose Inches Fast! She'd probably sell a million copies and retire.
    She giggled again. Yeah, right.
    As Judy had mentioned in the hospital, Denise did resemble her mother. She had the same dark, wavy hair and hazel eyes, they were roughly the same height. Like her mother, she was aging well-a few crow's-feet in the corners of her eyes, but otherwise smooth skin. All in all, she didn't look too bad. In fact, she looked pretty good, if she did say so herself.
    At least something was going right.
    Deciding to end on that note, Denise put on a pair of pajamas, set the oscillating fan on low, and crawled under the sheets before turning out the lights. The whir and rattle was rhythmic, and she fell asleep within minutes.
    With early morning sunlight slanting through the windows, Kyle padded through the bedroom and crawled into bed with Denise, ready to start the day. He whispered, "Wake up, Money, wake up," and when she rolled over with a groan, he climbed over her and used his little fingers to try to lift her eyelids. Though he wasn't successful, he

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