The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1)

The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) by J. L. Massey

Book: The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) by J. L. Massey Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. L. Massey
Tags: Contemporary Romance
down until you. The fact that you walked away last night will be an even bigger deal. You’ll not walk away again, because I’ll not let you go. I wish you would have waited, but because you didn’t, you earned another punishment,” Mitch yelled and stood from the bed.
    “Another? Another punishment?”
    “Yes, Alex still owes you one from last night and now we both owe you one for this bullshit you pulled. We’ve been passing ideas back and forth on how we should do it. Because you are new it is going to have to be light, but it will still be difficult for you.”
    “Not so fast. I’m pretty sure Alex dealt his punishment in last night leaving me needy and alone.”
    “Hmm, didn’t think about that. Alex, is that why you sent her to my room?” Alex was still standing against the wall staring at me. His mask still up.
    “No. I sent her to the room to sleep. If she was too wound up to sleep, she should have made herself cum.” He looked over to Mitch when he said this.
    “You’re not even going to talk to me directly? You break into my hotel room, stare me down, and speak around me. Un-fucking-believable.” Alex crossed the room and leaned right into my face.
    “If you wanted my attention, little girl, you should have asked for it. Not run off like a spoiled little bitch, pissed because she didn’t get her way. Don’t worry, Angel, you have my attention now, and you will have it until you have been thoroughly punished.” I flinched at being called a spoiled little bitch by him.
    “You’re not going to punish me. You’re not going to touch me.”
    “Oh, yes I am. I got woke up and had to get out of bed and search for you with Mitch and Adam.” Adam? I didn’t think Adam would be involved in the search. I thought he would give them my address.
    “Oh yes, Adam. I’m sure he will want to watch, if not get in his own punishment,” Alex replied reading my face.
    “None of you are touching me!” I screamed back into his face. Mitch stepped forward and looked straight at me.
    “Then you’re done? With us? You’re ending the relationship?”
    “No, Mitch.” I took a deep breath and let it out. “You’re right. I do believe I would enjoy being in this type of relationship, but I want a relationship like you described. To have that, there must be trust. I thought we could have it when I went to your room last night. How stupid was I? Typical virgin falls immediately for the guys she gives it up too.” My eyes watered, and I looked away. God, I didn’t want to say anymore. I choked back a sob and held off the tears. The fact wasn’t lost on me that I let myself feel something for two guys I didn’t know. They were not worth it. I was stronger and deserved a hell of a lot better. I defiantly looked back at Mitch. “Our ‘relationship’ ended when I was sent to my room so Alex could hang out in the club with Diana.” I watched as Mitch’s face went to shock, and Alex leaned in yelling at me.
    “You don’t know what you are talking about. You should have stayed in the room like a good little sub.”
    “I was a good little sub. I was in the room when I saw you with Diana. It just so happens that the live feed is hooked up to Mitch’s apartment.”
    “Shit. I forgot I had that hooked up there. How did you find out?”
    “Apparently, I am not as stupid as you thought.” The surprise on their faces at my discovery did little to ease my mortification.
    “There are other factors that we can’t get into right now,” Alex replied while pacing the room.
    “It doesn’t matter.”
    “It does so fucking matter. And after everything you went through last night, did you truly want to know that I liked to be whipped? That I needed it?”
    “The whipping?” I laughed. “You think the whipping would have bothered me? Sending me to the room was your way of shielding me?”
    “Yes, it was.”
    “Hmm. Did it ever occur to you to ask me to sit with you while it happened? That maybe, I don’t know,

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