The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West

The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West by Andrew R. Graybill

Book: The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West by Andrew R. Graybill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew R. Graybill
Tags: United States, History, Native American, 19th century
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    Manuscript Collections
    Gallaudet University, Deaf Collections and Archives, Washington, D.C.
International Exhibition of Fine Applied Arts by Deaf Artists
    Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary, Alberta
Stan Gibson Fonds
    Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minnesota
Louis W. Hill Papers
Horatio P. Van Cleve and Family Papers
    Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri
Chouteau Family Papers, Chouteau-Papin Collection
    Montana Historical Society, Helena, Montana
Helen P. Clarke Papers, SC 1153
Helen P. Clarke, Vertical File
Horace Clarke Reminiscence, SC 540
John L. Clarke, Vertical File
Malcolm Clarke, Vertical File
Andrew Dawson Papers, SC 292
May G. Flanagan Papers, SC 1236
Heavy Runner Records, MF 53
David Hilger Papers, SC 854
James Kipp Papers, SC 936
Nathaniel P. Langford Papers, SC 215
Martha E. Plassmann Papers, MC 78
John W. Ponsford Reminiscence, SC 659
James Upson Sanders Papers, MC 66
Wilbur Fisk Sanders Papers, MC 53
James Willard Schultz Papers, SC 721
Sieben Ranch, Vertical File
Régis de Trobriand Papers, SC 5 and SC 1201
Edith Grimes Waddell Reminiscence, SC 1669
William F. Wheeler Papers, MC 65
    Montana State University Library, Merrill G. Burlingame Special Collections, Bozeman, Montana
Merrill G. Burlingame Papers, Collection 2245
James Willard Schultz Papers, Collection 10
WPA Records, Collection 2336
    National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
Records of the Bureau of the Census, Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, Montana Territory, RG 29
Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Central Classified Files, Blackfeet, 1907–39, RG 75
Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Letters Received, RG 75
Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Special Case File 147, RG 75
    Stanford University Libraries, Department of Special Collections, Stanford, California
George and Louise Spindler Papers, SC0943
    University of Montana Library, K. Ross Toole Archives, Missoula, Montana
Sherburne Family Papers
    Texas State Library and Archives, Austin, Texas
Republic Claims
    Oral Interviews
    Darrell Robes Kipp. Interview by the author, Oct. 2006.
    Carol Murray. Interview by the author, Oct. 2006.
    Darrell Norman. Interview by the author, June 2007.
    Donald Pepion. Interview by the author, Jan. 2008.
    Joyce Clarke Turvey. Interviews by the author, Oct. 2006 and June 2007.
    Marvin Weatherwax. Interview by the author, Oct. 2007.
    Lea Whitford. Interview by the author, June 2007.
    Government Documents
    Congressional Globe, 41st Cong., 2nd sess., 1870.
    Congressional Globe, 44th Cong., 1st sess., 1876.
    U.S. Congress. Appropriations for Certain Indian Treaties. Senate Executive Document 57, 41st Cong., 2nd sess., 1870.
    ———. Expedition against Piegan Indians. House Executive Document 185, 41st Cong., 2nd sess., 1870.
    ———. Piegan Indians. House Executive Document 269, 41st Cong., 2nd sess., 1870.
    ———. Public Acts of the Forty-First Congress, 2nd sess., 1870.
    ———. Second Annual Report of the Board of Indian Commissioners, Senate Executive Document 39, 41st Cong., 3rd sess., 1871.
    ———. The Annual Message of the President. House Document 1, 57th Cong., 1st sess., 1901.
    U.S. Department of the Interior. Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Interior. 1859–92.
    Newspapers and Periodicals
    Army and Navy Journal
    Billings Gazette
    Daily Missoulian
    Daily Rocky Mountain Gazette
    Federal Illustrator
    Fort Benton River Press Weekly
    Glacier Reporter
    Great Falls Daily Tribune
    Great Falls Leader Daily
    Great Falls Tribune
    Great Falls Tribune Daily
    Harper’s Weekly
    Helena Daily Herald
    Helena Weekly Herald
    Helena Weekly Independent
    The Indian Helper
    Milwaukee Sentinel
    Monterey New Era
    Montana Daily Record
    Montana Senior News
    National Anti-Slavery Standard
    New North-West
    New York Times
    Owyhee Avalanche
    The Red Man
    The Register-Guard
    Rocky Mountain Leader
    The Silent Worker
    The Standard
    Online Sources
    Dictionary of Canadian Biography

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