The Recruit (Book Three)
occasional sniffle.
She wiped her hand across her nose before sighing quietly. “I suck
at being a Lycan.”
    “You don’t.” He
kissed her forehead. “Most humans who are turned take months to
start hunting. I should not have taken you hunting with me. It was
stupid of me.”
    “I don’t – I
don’t think I ever want to hunt again.” She said softly.
    “That’s fine.
You don’t have to.” He replied soothingly. “Being a Lycan does not
mean you have to hunt, Hannah. Alright?”
    She nodded and
curled closer into his warm, naked body before staring at the moon.
“The moon is so pretty.” She whispered.
    “It is.” He
    “I’ll hunt when
the moon is full, won’t I?” She said sadly. “Even if I don’t want
to – I won’t be able to help it.”
    “Maybe, maybe
not. You’re strong, Hannah. If your human side is that opposed to
hunting, it may be able to stop the Lycan in you from hunting.”
    “I don’t think
so.” She whispered. “I’m not as strong as you think I am,
    “You are.” He
replied firmly. “In another month or so, when you have better
control of your wolf, you’ll understand.”
    He hugged her
tightly and then stood up, dropping her gently to her feet. “We
should grab our clothes and go back. Okay?”
    “Okay.” She
gave him a wan smile and he kissed her again before leading her
away from the creek.

Chapter 9
    “Hey, Will. Is
Hannah with you?”
    It was early
the next morning and Will eyed Selena before wrinkling his nose.
“She is. Come on in, I was just leaving to meet with Mannie.”
    Selena gave him
a weak smile and moved toward Hannah who was sitting at the island
and drinking a cup of coffee.
    “Hannah, I’ll
see you later, alright?” Will called.
    She nodded and
gave him a tired smile. “Bye, honey.”
    She clapped her
hand over her mouth and nose before sliding off the bar stool and
moving away from Selena.
    “Oh God,
Selena. Don’t take this the wrong way but you smell terrible.”
    She lowered her
hand and took a tentative sniff in Selena’s direction. “Why do you
smell like whiskey and,” a small smile crept across her face,
Selena whispered hoarsely. “Please, Hannah, for the love of God get
me some aspirin.”
disappeared into the bathroom and returned with a bottle of
aspirin. She poured Selena a glass of water and handed it and the
aspirin to her.
    “My head hurts
so badly.” Selena moaned. She took some aspirin and drank the rest
of the water in four large gulps. “Fuck me.”
    “It smells like
Reid did.” Hannah laughed.
    Selena groaned
and rested her head on her arms. “I’m an idiot.”
    “No, you’re
not. Tell me what happened.”
    Selena squinted
at her. “Well, first I – “, she paused, “wait, what’s wrong? You’re
not looking that hot yourself.”
    “I’m fine. Tell
me what happened.” Hannah replied.
    Selena shook
her head and then groaned before cupping her forehead. “You first.
I need a minute for the aspirin to kick in.”
    Hannah sighed.
“Will took me out last night in the forest to try and help me
control the shift. Only I couldn’t even shift. I had no idea how to
make it happen. Finally, Will had to have sex with me and then I
    “Yeah, I know.
Sex makes me want to shift. Anyway, we had sex and then we shifted
and we were just running through the forest. It was kind of nice,
you know? The moon was out,” a dreamy look came over Hannah’s face,
“and it was so pretty. I wanted to stare at it forever.”
    She stared
silently into her coffee cup for a moment. “Then we caught the
scent of a deer and we – we hunted it and murdered it and then we
ate it.”
    She glanced at
Selena. The dark-haired woman was giving her a solemn look and
Hannah smiled faintly. “Then I shifted back to my human form and
barfed everywhere.”
    “It was awful,
Selena. Even now, just thinking about how I ate its guts and

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