The Reaper: No Mercy
last month," the Reaper responded in a gentle tone.
    "Yes!" It was obvious she was surprised at the Reapers insight and nodded eagerly."
    "She's saved over thirty people, Captain!" Rodriguez said vehemently as he tugged on her arm to pull her behind him.
    "Fair enough, and I guessed as much." The Reaper suddenly nodded at her as he held his hand out. Nancy grasped his and they remained that way for some time before Jason responded. "Thank you for saving lives."
    "You're welcome."
    "We need to make contact, let's get going." Jason released her hand and entered the back compartment of the M-ATV while the others followed him.
    Once inside, Rodriguez hit the toggle for interior lights and pointed at the communications device. The Reaper looked at him with a slight frown as every console was dark, and Rodriguez cringed, then reached forward to hit the electrical breakers activating the consoles. A man climbed in behind the steering wheel and immediately Rodriguez spoke to him.
    "Keyes, take us out. Head south. Direct the others to follow us in support." he called out.
    "Roger that, sir." The reply came from up front, the figure behind the wheel barely seen.
    The Reaper grabbed an upper handhold and held on as the armored vehicle lurched forward, throwing them back in their seats, and looking through the side window saw the others echeloning out beside them. They were headed south, according to the position of the sun and were soon weaving around stands of trees; then a rise appeared ahead.
    Minutes later, Jason felt the vehicle come to a stop. They had a clear, unobstructed view of the terrain around them, and were on a large hill. Not waiting for Rodriguez to tell him they were in position, the Reaper activated the secure shortwave transceiver before him.
    Immediately the soft hum of electronics filled the air as the Reaper began making minute adjustments to its settings. After pulling the sheet of frequencies from his breast pocket and glancing at it, he punched in a frequency along with a code for the plugged-in scrambler. Silence still issued from the radio as the Reaper lifted the microphone and spoke. Beside him, Rodriguez was watching warily.
    "Come in Newaygo Command. This is the Reaper." He glanced again at the paper before him and then said, "Code word Clarissa." He then pulled a handheld GPS unit from the breast of his jacket and turned it on.
    Almost instantly, a male voice responded. " Newaygo Command receiving. Code word authenticated. Response is David, Mike, Alpha, confirm over."
    The Reaper glanced at his sheet of codes and responded, "Authentication confirmed."
    "You are Go Reaper and the comm is yours. "
    "I need a drop. N39 28.85142 W92 0.07811. Location Paris Missouri. Marauders and slavers. I need men, equipment, and munitions. We're strapped and need support." The Reaper read the figures off the device in his hand as he spoke.
    " Hold one, Reaper. Major Robinson is on his way and will want to talk to you ."
    Jason glanced up, and seeing Rodriguez in some form of shock, spoke. "We planned for this, Sergeant. I'm the advance. Is the picture becoming clearer?"
    "But I don't understand. Why a captain by himself?" sputtered Dennis, bewildered. The simple fact that someone had immediately responded to the captain’s broadcast completely amazed him, and he could tell from the faintness of the signal and slight echo that it was coming from some distance away.
    "Lack of staff mostly, young man. Besides. I work better on my own." There was a pause, then the Reaper finished his sentence. "Less complicated."
    "I see. Ahhh ..." then he was interrupted as Newaygo Command came over the radio.
    " Stand by for Major Robinson, Reaper ."
    "Copy that," intoned Jason.
    " Reaper! Damn glad to hear from you. How's it going on your end? I understand you have a bit of a problem ."
    The Reaper growled, "I need men and supplies to take care of a situation."
    " Done, but first, protocol. We're currently in almost total blackout. You

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