The Reaper: No Mercy
know why. Only authenticated communications will receive a response. So don't lose that list."
    "Roger that, Major. How's it look for us?"
    "Well, we can't do it in Paris unless we drop. There is nothing immediately close to you for a landing. Mexico City is acceptable. How does that look from your end? Bear in mind I'm looking at the maps now." Jason swiveled his head to look at Rodriguez while raising an eyebrow. He kept the transmit button depressed as Dennis spoke so that Major Robinson could hear his response. The sergeant looked very apprehensive.
    "Sir, lots of zombies. More than we can possibly clear," said Rodriguez.
    "Well that settles that. Airdrop it is." The Reaper grunted at Robinson's words. One of the things he best liked about the major was that he was intuitive, and could make instant decisions.
    "Reaper. Hold one for the Colonel, we'll talk again in a moment." With that the major’s voice disappeared to be replaced by another.
    " Brother. You OK over there ?" It was Jay, the governor of Michigan, and the Reaper’s only friend.
    "Yeah, Jay. Dealing with the usual issues. How are things going on your end?"
    " Well, same ol’ and all that, and we’re staging for Massachusetts. But I have warm regards to send your way from Travis and Shannon who are both doing well. Travis says to save a few for him ." The Reaper grinned at those words. Yeah, that sounded just like Travis , he thought. Then a light hand touched his shoulder and he looked over to see Nancy, the doctor of this group, and she indicated she had something to say.
    "We need medical supplies, or some won't make it. We suffered casualties leaving Moberly and I have four septics right now that are dying," she whispered. Jason nodded.
    "We also need medical supplies for critically wounded, Jay," he spoke into the microphone again.
    " No worries, brother. I'll have Rob arrange it ," spoke the governor of Michigan.
    "Everything else going OK on your end?"
    A tired sigh sounded over the airwaves, then Jay's voice responded. " The usual, as I said, and we have some murders Fridaddy is sorting through, and of course our friends on the dark side keep sending operatives in. We're catching most but I'm quite sure not all ."
    "I get it. Keep up the good fight. The Lord is on your side."
    " You bet, but wait. I have someone special here who wants to say hello ."
    Then a soft voice came over the shortwave, and it was obvious she was very young. " Papa J ?"
    Emma's sweet voice filled the airwaves, and immediately tears formed in the corner of Jason's eyes as he swallowed hard, a lump instantly forming in his throat. His mind went back to a month ago, finding his entire family including his darling granddaughters dead, and then rocking the little girls in his porch swing for hours ... crying. Then helping Newaygo make a stand against the evil spawn of Satan, and meeting their commander's daughter as she was stealing food from his plate at that first meeting. Emma. Sweet, tiny, two-year old Emma, who looked so much like his grandchild Heather who had been ripped from his life. Gathering Emma up in his arms had almost earned the Reaper a bullet in the head by Jay, her father, but from that time forward, he and Emma had become practically inseparable. Jason had vowed to visit her once a month as he was able. That hard lump in his throat was moving upward as hidden emotions welled forth; then he coughed and spoke.
    "Hey sweety." The Reaper was leaning forward in order to hear every nuance of her voice.
    " Come home, Papa J. I miss you ."
    "I miss you too sweetheart, but I can't. Emma, sweety, I will see you in a few weeks."
    " Promise? "
    "Yes, I promise, munchkin."
    "Will you bring me a present? " Emma’s soft, sweet voice requested.
    "You know I will, sweety. It will be a nice present."
    " Ok, bye. Love you Papa J ." Jason's heart caught in his throat again before he responded.
    "I love you too munchkin." A giggle sounded, and then the cold stern voice of Newaygo's

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