The Queen and I

The Queen and I by Russell Andresen Page A

Book: The Queen and I by Russell Andresen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Russell Andresen
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Louis was forced to devote all of his non-school hours to helping his mother at the illegal child daycare facility that she ran from the back of a deli in the Hell’s Kitchen section of New York.
    He kept the children entertained with his stirring renditions of Ave Maria , and when that didn’t work, they lured derelicts in from the street and Louis put on a demonstration of such physical ferocity that it left most of the young wards speechless and a bit catatonic by the time their parents picked them up.
    By the age of eleven he had already beaten four men to death for very little more than fun and to see what it looked like, and when that grew old and tiring, he advanced his talents to hunting down people who his mother selected from nothing more than the evening news reports or from the paper.
    Occasionally it was to hunt down fugitives who the police were looking for, or a corrupt politician who was caught with an underage prostitute; sometimes it was just to hunt down and bring to his mother a missing child. Those were his favorites, because they always confused his rescue of them for their salvation when, in actuality, it was nothing more than the beginning of their nightmare, as they would spend the last days of their young lives as little more than punching bags for the twisted and evil young Louis.
    Now in his thirties, he had already been in jail five times for various crimes ranging from assault and battery to exposing himself to blind beggars. His docket was as long as his muscular arms, and he took much pride in keeping his body in top form. His mother expected nothing less, and as long as she was calling the shots, he did exactly as she wished, except when Heinrich called.
    Heinrich Schultz had a very special relationship with Louis and his mother. Louis, not being the smartest man in the world, often looked at Heinrich as a sort of Santa Claus figure who came around once a year and gave the jubilant Louis the gifts that he had been wishing for, hoping for, and being a good boy for all year.
    He loved when Heinrich came around to see him and his mother, and his mother was especially pleased to see Heinrich. She was so happy that she sometimes stayed up all night and yelled “yes” over and over again because she could not control her happiness. Louis loved it when his mother was happy, and Heinrich made her happy. Louis sometimes wished Heinrich could make him that happy, but his mother had told him that he would have to be very good for that to happen. So far, Louis just assumed that he had been bad.
    The text from Heinrich had been very short and to the point: Time to catch the gopher.
    That was the code they used to let Louis know that there was someone who needed to be found, so they could hear Louis and his lovely singing voice, get ready to go to the island, and test Louis’s skills at hunting.
    It had been a while since he had hunted anyone for Heinrich, and he was beginning to think that the older man had forgotten about him, but seeing this text brought such joy to him that he immediately turned the sound of the music down so that he could do all of the solos himself and delight his neighbors with the sound of his voice.
    His mother came into his room when she heard the music turned offand sat down on his bed, waiting to hear the performance. She had a glass of peppermint schnapps in her right hand and a lit cigar in the other. She closed her eyes and opened her bathrobe as he sang, revealing her naked body, and began scanning Louis’s phone for the text message that Heinrich had sent.
    She found the picture of the mysterious Jeffrey David Rothstein and pleasured herself to his picture while her son sang from Madam Butterfly .
    * * *
    “Do you think he told his mother about the call?” Mendel asked Henry as the two of them and Jacob sat at the latter’s desk discussing what they thought Louis might do to Jeffrey when he found him.
    “Are you kidding? She’s probably half naked by now and

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