The Pursuit
    “Okay,” Kyle replied. “But I want to hear all about what you said to Talia. Did you say what I told you to say, or did you improvise?”
    Talia chuckled, and he squeezed her shoulder.
    “Sorry, Kyle, but you are breaking up. I have to go now. Talk to you soon.”
    “Are you giving me the brush-off, Jean Luc? You’re in so much trouble when you get—”
    He hit the red button on his phone and then, just to be safe, powered it off.
    Talia shook her head. “I thought Misha was bad enough all by himself, but with Kyle in the mix? They are going to take some getting used to.”
    He quirked his eyebrow at her. “They were actually quite well behaved just now.”
    “Well, I’m up for the challenge,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder.
    He turned her toward him and cuddled her to his chest. “As am I, mon coeur . As am I.”

    Excerpt from
    Sentinel Lost
    AE Jones
    Chapter 1
    “ Knock, knock .”
    “Stop it, Marie,” I groaned pulling the comforter up tight around my neck and snuggling further into my bed.
    “ Knock, knock .”
    “I’m not answering you.”
    Marie’s head appeared through my closed bedroom door. “I can do this all night you know. Since I’m dead I don’t have to be anywhere, anytime soon. Knock, knock .”
    “Fine. What’s there?”
    “Don’t you mean who?”
    “Not in my world.”
    “You’re no fun,” Marie huffed and floated the rest of the way through the bedroom door and over to the bed. “I’ve been spending time with Groucho Marx and thought I’d try out some jokes he taught me.”
    “Why are you here?”
    “I want to know what’s going on with Jean Luc and that new vampire.”
    “That new vampire’s name is Talia and she and Jean Luc are finally together after wasting too much time being stupid. I’m just happy Jean Luc actually listened to me.”
    Marie frowned. “And I’m mad about that, young lady.”
    “Did you honestly think you were going to have a relationship with my teammate? You’re dead and he’s a vampire.”
    “Exactly! He’s a vampire, which means he wouldn’t be judgmental about me being a ghost.”
    “You’re not corporeal, Marie. How exactly would this have worked?”
    “Love finds a way, dear.”
    I flung my arm over my eyes hoping she would take the hint and go away. “Don’t the angels have any control over you? Isn’t there a heavenly curfew or something? Marie, it’s way too late for this. You need to give me some privacy.”
    “I give you plenty of privacy when you’re playing with your kitty cat.”
    I growled and moved my arm to glare at her. “Stop calling Griffin that. He’s the head of the US shifter contingent, not my kitty cat.”
    Marie’s eyes twinkled. “Whatever you say, dear. Where has he been lately, by the way?”
    “In Europe meeting with international shifter leaders.”
    “Why didn’t you go with him?”
    “Because it would have been boring and they sure wouldn’t have let me attend the meeting.”
    “Right, we don’t need you causing any international incidents.”
    Marie giggled. “I am, aren’t I? Now let me try out some of these jokes.”
    My phone rang, thank God , and I made a grab for it not checking to see who it was. Even if it was a telemarketer I was happy for the save. “Sorry, but I have to get this. Hello.”
    “Kyle, are you still up?”
    I glared at Marie some more and she smiled back at me. “Yes, Misha, I’m awake. What’s up?”
    “Just got a call from the PD. Priority. The captain wants to meet with us, in person.”
    I sat up. “Shit, that can’t be a good sign. Do you have any idea what’s going on?”
    “No, little one. Jean Luc and I will be there in five minutes.”
    “I’ll be ready.”
    I flung back the comforter and scrambled out of bed. “I’ve got a call, Marie. Some supe messed up and as usual we’ve got to cover it up. Can’t talk anymore about Jean Luc. Now go away so that I can get

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