The Pursuit
Her job: find a murderer and bring him to justice. The problem is she has never dealt with a supernatural bounty before…or an overbearing, ridiculously sexy vampire.
    When Jean Luc and Talia butt heads over the investigation, only Misha can see that their animosity has more to do with attraction than anger. And unless Jean Luc and Talia can set aside their troubled pasts and learn to trust each other, they may never have an opportunity to explore their true feelings. Especially when they come face to face with the killer.
    The Fledgling is available now for Kindle .

    Shifter Wars
    Mind Sweeper Series Book Three

    Why did the demon cross the road? Apparently to escape from Kyle McKinley. Which is more than fine with her.
    The last thing she wants is to be dragged into another supernatural crisis, but the Fates have something more interesting in store for her. Since the tricky wenches love to mess with people, Kyle isn’t really surprised. And once she learns Trina, the young shifter girl whose memory she erased, is being stalked again, Kyle will do whatever it takes to protect her.
    Normally a secretive group, the shifters reluctantly agree to allow Kyle and her vampire and demon teammates to investigate. Are the poachers who kidnapped Trina back for revenge? But when other shifters are also targeted, Kyle becomes convinced there is more to the attacks than vengeance. And when the violence escalates and Griffin, the enigmatic leader of the shifters, ends up in the crosshairs, the team braces for a bloodbath.
    Scrambling to identify the mysterious group bent on destroying the shifters, and why, Kyle is also haunted by dreams and painful flashes from the prophesied Key of Knowledge which has taken up residence in her brain. In typical Kyle fashion, she decides to ignore it, but the more she ignores it, the more it digs its claws into her consciousness. If she can’t learn to embrace the Key and ask for help from those closest to her, she could lose her sanity before she’s able to prevent a shifter civil war.
    Shifter Wars is available now for Kindle .

    Author’s Note
    When I wrote about how Jean Luc and Talia met in The Fledgling, many of you asked why they were no longer together and if their story would have a continuation. Hah! I would never leave you in suspense—for very long that is. I knew when I wrote The Fledgling there would be more coming for them in the future. After all, we (you the reader, me the author, and Misha, of course) have known from their first encounter that Jean Luc and Talia are perfect for each other.

    Of course I have people to thank for making this book what it is today. To Gabrielle, my cover artist who gave me a cover with a guy on it this time! And it is a great guy, which was an accomplishment in itself since Jean Luc is, well, Jean Luc .
    Thanks to Faith who, as usual, made this book even better. Thanks for being as OCD in editing as I am in writing!
    To Amy who has been so much more than a formatter to me. Thanks for answering all my questions and teaching me about self-publishing.
    Another big thank you to my friend Lara who once again gave me suggestions that made the characters stronger. I may have unleashed a monster in you, but it is productive monster, so I’m very happy.
    And to my poet friend Ruth who, like The Fledgling, came up with the title of this work as well. I may have to put you on retainer!

    AE Jones
    Growing up a TV junkie, award winning author AE Jones oftentimes rewrote endings of episodes in her head when she didn’t like the outcome. She immersed herself in sci-fi and soap operas. But when Buffy hit the little screen, she knew her true love was paranormal. Now she spends her nights weaving stories about all variation of supernatural—their angst and their humor. After all, life is about both…whether you sport fangs or not.
    AE lives in Ohio with her eclectic family and friends who

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