The Psychology Book

The Psychology Book by Unknown

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Authors: Unknown
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    digestion in dogs led him to some
    surgical procedures.
    unexpected conclusions.
    During the 1890s, Pavlov carried
    1890 In Principles of
    out a series of experiments on dogs,
    If an unconditioned
    Psychology, William James
    using various surgically implanted
    stimulus is accompanied
    states that in animals “the
    devices to measure the flow of
    by a neutral stimulus
    feeling of having executed
    saliva when these animals were
    (such as a ringing bell)…
    one impulsive step is an
    being fed. He noted that the dogs
    indispensable part of the
    salivated not only when they were
    stimulus of the next one.”
    actually eating, but also whenever
    …a conditioned response
    they could just smell or see some
    begins to develop.
    appetizing food. The dogs would
    1920 John B. Watson’s
    even salivate, in anticipation of
    “Little Albert” experiment
    food being produced, when they
    demonstrates classical
    were simply being approached by
    conditioning in humans.
    one of their keepers.
    After repeated episodes,
    1930s B.F. Skinner shows
    Pavlov’s observations led him
    the conditioned stimulus
    that rats can be “conditioned”
    to investigate the links between
    alone (the ringing bell)…
    various stimuli and the responses
    to behave in a specific way.
    they elicited. In one experiment,
    1950s Psychotherapists
    he set off a clicking metronome
    employ “conditioning” as
    just before offering food to the
    …will provoke a
    part of behavior therapy.
    conditioned response
    dogs, repeating this process until
    (beginning to salivate).
    the animals always associated the
    sound with a good meal. This

    See also: William James 38–45 ■ John B. Watson 66–71 ■ B.F. Skinner 78–85 ■ Stanley Schachter 338
    stimulus (bell, buzzer, or light)
    with pain or some form of threat
    and food had been established,
    and began to elicit a conditioned
    the dogs would respond to the
    response of fear or anxiety.
    stimulus by salivating.
    The principle of what is now
    known as classical or Pavlovian
    Conditioned response
    conditioning, as well as Pavlov’s
    Pavlov concluded that the food
    experimental method, marked a
    offered to the dogs was an
    groundbreaking step in the
    “unconditioned stimulus” (US),
    emergence of psychology as
    because it led to an unlearned, or
    a truly scientific, rather than
    “unconditioned” response (UR)—in
    philosophical, discipline. Pavlov’s
    this case, salivation. The click of
    work was to be hugely influential,
    the metronome, however, only
    particularly on US behaviorist
    Pavlov’s dogs would salivate simply
    became a stimulus to salivation
    psychologists, such as John B.
    at the sight of someone in a white lab
    after its association with food had
    Watson and B.F. Skinner. ■
    coat. They had become “conditioned”
    been learned. Pavlov then called
    to associate the coat with eating, as
    this a “conditioned stimulus” (CS).
    whoever fed them always wore one.
    The salivation in response to the
    metronome was also learned, so
    “conditioning” eventually resulted
    was a “conditioned response” (CR).
    in the dogs salivating in response
    In later experiments, Pavlov
    to the click of the metronome alone.
    showed that conditioned responses
    Facts are the air of science.
    In further experiments, Pavlov
    could be repressed, or “unlearned,” if
    Without them a man of
    replaced the metronome with a
    the conditioned stimulus was given
    science can never rise.
    bell or buzzer, a flashing light, and
    repeatedly without being followed
    Ivan Pavlov
    whistles of different pitches.
    by food. He also demonstrated that
    However, regardless of the nature
    a conditioned response could be
    of the stimulus used, the result
    mental as well as physical, by
    was the always same: once an
    carrying out experiments in which
    association between the neutral
    various stimuli were associated
    Ivan Pavlov
    Ivan Pavlov, the eldest son of a
    here that he carried out his
    village priest in

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