The Psychology Book

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Authors: Unknown
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Ryazan, Russia,
    famous research into the
    was initially destined to follow in
    digestive secretions of dogs,
    his father’s footsteps. However, he
    which won him the Nobel Prize
    quickly abandoned his training at
    in 1904. Pavlov retired officially
    a local seminary, transferring
    in 1925, but continued his
    to the University of St. Petersburg
    experiments until his death from
    to study natural science. After
    pneumonia in February 1936.
    graduation in 1875, he enrolled at
    the Academy of Medical Surgery,
    Key works
    where he gained a doctorate and
    later a fellowship. In 1890, Pavlov
    1897 Lectures on the Work of
    became a professor at the Military
    the Principal Digestive Glands
    Medical Academy, and was also
    1928 Lectures on Conditioned
    made director of the physiology
    department at the Institute of
    1941 Conditioned Reflexes
    Experimental Medicine. It was
    and Psychiatry

    1885 In his book On Memory ,
    Hermann Ebbinghaus
    describes the “forgetting
    curve”—the rate at which
    human memories fade.
    1890s Ivan Pavlov establishes
    the principle of classical
    STAMPED OUT conditioning.
    EDWARD THORNDIKE (1874–1949)
    1918 John B. Watson’s “Little
    Albert” experiments apply
    conditioning to a human baby.
    1923 English psychologist
    Charles Spearman proposes
    a single general factor—the
    “g factor”—in measurements
    of human intelligence.
    1930s B.F. Skinner develops
    a theory of conditioning from
    A t much the same time as
    Pavlov was conducting his
    experiments on dogs in
    Russia, Edward Thorndike began
    researching animal behavior for
    his doctoral thesis in the US.
    He was perhaps the first true
    “behaviorist” psychologist,
    although his research took place
    long before the term was adopted.
    Scientific psychology was
    emerging as a fresh field of study
    in universities when Thorndike
    graduated in the 1890s, and he
    was attracted by the prospect of
    applying this new science to his
    interest in education and learning.
    Thorndike’s original intention had
    been to study learning in humans,

    See also: Hermann Ebbinghaus 48–49 ■ Ivan Pavlov 60–61 ■ John B. Watson 66–71 ■ Edward Tolman 72–73 ■
    B.F. Skinner 78–85 ■ Donald Hebb 163 ■ Hans Eysenck 316–21
    When an
    animal responds
    to a stimulus…
    Psychology helps to
    measure the probability
    that an aim is attainable.
    Edward Thorndike
    …the outcome may
    …the outcome may
    be rewarding
    be profitless
    (such as escaping from
    (such as still being
    a cage).
    trapped in a cage).
    but when he was unable to obtain
    a suitable subject for his research,
    he turned his attention to animals,
    with the aim of examining the
    The connection between
    The connection between
    processes of intelligence and
    the action and the event
    the action and the event
    learning through observation in
    is strengthened .
    is weakened .
    a series of controlled experiments.
    Thorndike’s results went much
    further than this, however,
    laying down the foundations
    of behaviorist psychology.
    Learning environments
    Thorndike’s first studies were
    Rewarded responses are
    of chicks learning to negotiate
    “stamped in,” while profitless
    mazes that he designed and built
    acts are “stamped out.”
    specifically for his experiments.
    This later became a hallmark
    of behaviorist experimental
    technique—the use of a specially
    created environment in which a
    subject is given specific stimuli or
    various devices, such as a loop of
    box each time; this indicated how
    tasks, now known as “instrumental
    string, or a ring, or a button or
    quickly the animal was learning
    conditioning” or “instrumental
    panel to be pressed, only one of
    about its environment.
    learning.” As his research
    which would be connected to the
    The experiment was carried out
    progressed, Thorndike turned his
    latch that would open

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