The Prussian Girls

The Prussian Girls by P. N. Dedeaux

Book: The Prussian Girls by P. N. Dedeaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. N. Dedeaux
Tags: home_sex
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worry too much over six. The other sixer is a Junior called von Brandt.”
    “I know her,” said Maria, remembering the pert blonde from a Science class.
    Ingeborg Untermacher swept the stick through the air with a voluptuous slice. “God, these things were made to cut young girl-flesh, weren't they just? Most efficient instruments.” She bent elastically and thumbed off her underpants. Catching Maria's eye she explained with a loose grin, “More ease of movement like that. And… and… by the way, if you catch one of them lowering her eyes, for a look, don't hesitate to… Mary darling, I suggest you stand over there… yes, by the bars, that way you can see their faces as well… do you want to masturbate, by the way? We don't usually, during.”
    “No, of course not,” Maria Daunitz replied with a quick flush.
    Ingeborg gave her a rather roguish wink and with a twirl that lifted the skimpy silk off the slab of one sulcus, turned to the door with her stick- “Let's just go out and frighten them a bit first, shall we, I always like to.”
    They went out. The three girls waiting their turn for punishment looked extremely solemn. The first, directly across from the door facing the maid, was Hannelore Weg, a tall, slim, rather short-sighted brunette with silky straight hair. She stared straight ahead of her. Helen von Brandt, next in line, was visibly trembling, with traces of tears on her long lashes. The last, as arranged now by the maid on Ingeborg's order, was the “niner,” Steffi Nagel, a rather ordinary-looking brownette with an expressionless face. The first wore gold, the two others green.
    Ingeborg Untermacher stood back with feet astride, flexing her cane across her sturdy thighs, and looked at the trio with a well-stimulated dislike.
    “You three are going to be caned as hard as possible across the bottom, so you might as well make up your mind to it,” she said sternly. “Let's see good comportment under the rod. Bend tight and hold on hard to the bar. Tell yourselves what silly idiots you've been to get into the Book in the first place. It's still early in the term and there's plenty more of this waiting for you if you want it. You,” and she tapped under Steffi Nagel's broad rump with her rod, “it's only Thursday and if you get put in the Book again this week, it's twelve, remember?”
    She turned and led the way back in, the maid smilingly closing the door on Maria, following. She felt wrought-up, tense, dry-throated. Once inside the room again Ingeborg sat down behind her table and said calmly, “Send in Hannelore.”
    Maria went to the door, opened it, and called out loudly, “Weg.” She closed the door on the rapidly marching girl. Her heels make a lot of noise on the black floor. Hannelore Weg stood in front of the desk, her eyes straight in front of her.
    “Hannelore Weg?” she was asked, after having taken her oath to the flag.
    “Accused of being Idle in class. Report of Fraulein Rombau. You plead?”
    “Guilty, please.”
    “Have you anything to say?”
    “Nothing to say.”
    “Do you wish to appeal?”
    “First Order. Six strokes,” said Ingeborg Untermacher, writing in the Book. “Thank you, Fraulein.”
    The girl's fingers fled. Off came her knickers, to be folded neatly and placed on the desk, just by the dreaded Duty Book. Then her skirt was tucked into her belt, which was ordered higher, almost under her ribs. Ingeborg knowingly inspected the sleek, liquid little bottoms thus put on alluring display, fingering them for old bruises. But the girl had not been beaten this term.
    “Do twenty squat-bends,” she was told coldly. After which she had to touch her toes as many times. “Now bend over. I'm going to give you them nice and low, so you can look forward to a good lesson in self-control.”
    The well-practised girl went to a set of bars, horizontally set about three foot high, in front of the yawning, though empty, fireplace

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