The Price of Failure

The Price of Failure by Jeffrey Ashford

Book: The Price of Failure by Jeffrey Ashford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffrey Ashford
– virtually invisible in the larger bedroom because of the patterned wallpaper. When he looked through this, he had a clear view of the bed – the view the camera had had.
    The practised skill with which she had seduced him – and in the circumstances this reversal of normal practice was not the farcical suggestion it might seem – the techniques she had used to lift him into fields of passion he’d only previously reached in his imagination, and her readiness to play her part in compromising him, marked her as a Tom despite her air of innocence which had so fooled him. Why? Blackmail? But any intending blackmailer would have to be a fool to presume he enjoyed even the shadow of wealth as a mere detective constable, or that he could alter the course of an investigation. And whoever had set this up clearly was no fool.

    When Carr drove into the courtyard, Wyatt was by the far line of cars. The detective sergeant hurried across to where he parked.
    â€˜I’ve been shouting for you all morning.’
    Since it was only a quarter to ten, that was a gross exaggeration. But Carr contented himself with saying: ‘Sorry, Skipper. I went straight from home to Miss Varney’s flat to ask for the photos and the envelope they were in.’
    â€˜What stopped you doing that yesterday?’
    â€˜She was out.’
    â€˜You should have phoned in first thing this morning to say what you were doing. You know the rules.’ Wyatt’s regard for the sanctity of rules was often the cause of amusement or resentment. ‘Let’s have them, then.’
    â€˜She wasn’t at home.’
    â€˜And it’s taken you the best part of two hours to discover that?’ Wyatt ostentatiously sighed. ‘Look, Mike, I know you’re not going to miss the chance to slip in and see Gloria, but for Pete’s sake, keep things reasonable. I had the Old Man asking for you and had to cover.’
    â€˜Just remember that my good nature’s not elastic … The engineer from Malicious Calls has been on the blower to say he’s tried to get hold of the Varney woman to arrange a time for the reinstallation of the equipment, but can’t get any answer. And you’ve found her out each time. We know the phone calls shocked and frightened her, so d’you think it’s possible the photos were the last straw and she’s panicked and cleared off?’
    â€˜It’s possible.’
    â€˜What’s her job?’
    â€˜She never said.’
    â€˜Living in Egremont Road, it’s either got to be a good one or she has a nicely rich daddy. What about relatives or a boyfriend?’
    â€˜She never mentioned anyone.’
    â€˜Seems you didn’t chat her up at all?’
    â€˜I’m a married man.’
    â€˜Sounds good. But then maybe the temptation wasn’t all that strong … Until we can contact her again, there’s nothing more we can do. So get your nose hard down on all the work you ought to have cleared up days ago.’
    *   *   *
    There was little more depressing than an empty house. Carr threw his mackintosh over the chair in the hall, went through to the larder and poured himself out a heavy gin and tonic. Then, wanting the sound of voices, he moved into the sitting room and switched on the television. Coronation Street. He switched the set off, not bothering to channel hop. Coronation Street was one of Gloria’s favourite programmes.
    He drank. If only he had been leading a normal married life, he would not have become so sexually intrigued; if only he had not been so sexually intrigued, he would never have slid into becoming so sexually attracted that he lost all self-control. If only. The two most futile words in the language.
    The phone rang. Because he so needed to be taken out of himself, he immediately decided this was someone ringing to invite him out to supper. Both Jean and Allison had

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