White Lies

White Lies by Evelyn Glass

Book: White Lies by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
In the chest at the foot of the bed. Do n’ t come until I call . ”
    “ Or what ? ”
    “ Or I will flog your ass senseless when I come home . ”
    “I’ m not sure tha t’ s a punishment . ”
    There was a darkness in his eyes that made her skin flush hot and tingy .“ I t’ s up to you. If yo u’ re a good girl, and wait for me, I’ ll fuck you tonight. If you misbehave, I’ ll beat you. You decide what you want . ”
    He swept out of the room with quiet confidence that made her shiver. Her pussy was soaking wet and quivering, and she did n’ t know how in the world she was going to hold out until the noon deadline sh e’ d set. If she even wanted to.
    Zoey found herself smiling. There were some very interesting options here.

    Alex walked back out into the living room. Cindy was standing now, her bag on her shoulder .“ All set ? ” she asked.
    How many more times would he be relieved that the depth of his skin tone hid the heat in his cheeks? Did he really mind ?“ Yes , ” he said. He picked up his briefcase from its spot outside of his office on their way down the hallway, and led Cindy into the elevator and out the front door of the building. David was waiting for them with the car. Alex kept his eyes on the man, waiting for so much as a lifted eyebrow at the way h e’ d brought one woman up and was bringing another woman down. The ma n’ s professionalism did n’ t falter for a moment, though. Cindy slid neatly into the back of the car, and Alex followed her. David, to his credit, had already raised the partition between the front and the back of the car.
    “ What did you want to discuss ? ” Cindy asked. She was every inch the lawyer now, all signs of her distress gone.
    “ There is a motion within the board , ” Alex said, choosing his words carefully .“ Some people believe that AEGIS should keep its manufacturing allocated as it is currently, with weapons manufacturing and sales around 50% of the compan y’ s profits. There is another faction, however, that believes the company would be better served, both from a public perception angle, and from the point of view of morality, by shifting development money towards healthcare development, specifically medicines and gear that can be used in locations without high quality water supplies, and so forth. I need to know which side you would take, were you to claim any shares . ”
    Cindy grinned, and he saw the look the old man had worn just before he closed on his prey like a shark in bloody waters .“ Which side gets me your support ? ”
    Alex kept silence, and kept his face as impassive as he could.
    She shrugged .“ The old bastard did n’ t leave anything to his wife, or she would n’ t be as frightened as she is. Sh e’ s holding your younger siste r’ s shares in trust until she turns 18, of course, and everyone knows that girl idolizes you, and would do anything you want her to. Sh e’ ll make money off the shares, but sh e’ ll never be a force on the board. Not like Alexander Blankenship, legendary playboy . ”
    She was trying to get a rise out of him, throw him off balance so that h e’ d give something away. He kept his face steady, his gaze on her face, waiting. The trick to a good poker face was not to worry about it too much. You could n’ t contain expression by focusing on expression. You just had to focus o n— not caring. This hand of cards could n’ t matter. There was something bigger at stake.
    Cindy laughed at him .“ Fair enough. Given my own preferences, Alex, I’ d support the medical angle. But if it comes to it, I will vote whatever you want me to, in order to get your support. Hell, I’ d sign the shares over to you at market value. But Olivia Cunningham is not going to intimidate me. I t’ s unfortunate that she married a racist sack of shit, but quite frankly, tha t’ s not my problem. I have my own life to think about .

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