The Power of Twelve
we had at Chateau Mcely last night, but my vegetarian burrito was also excellent. I love this all-night taco stand,” Gayle agreed. “Thank God it’s still open at midnight. We are still on European time and I was famished.”
    â€œI’m amazed at everything we have accomplished at the Chateau in just two trips,” Randall said, thinking back. Then a new thought struck him. “You know, Barbara really seemed to be flying. She is always an inspiration, but it is as if she has a new lease on life.” Hiseyebrows rose in a question, and she nodded to indicate that she had noticed as well. “In any case, Jim and Inéz really seem to be embracing Project Wake Up. And I am amazed that the Virgin Mary materialized in front of you on each of our two visits!”
    â€œYes, Mary’s presence at Chateau Mcely is the strongest I have ever experienced,” Gayle agreed. “I am not certain why Mother Mary is visiting me so frequently, but she seems to want to warn me about opposition from powerful forces to Project Wake Up.”
    â€œThat does seem to be the case. Tell me again exactly what her last warning to you was?” Randall asked.
    â€œMy last encounter with Mother Mary was even more powerful than the first. She took hold of my hands, and at one point she embraced me as she spoke. I do not remember her exact words, but it went something like, ‘All will be well. You have never wavered from your task. Your reward is at hand. The obstacles are dwindling, but certain people do not want you or your friends to succeed. Barbara is a special being. Take care. Take care.’ And with those few words she took one last look at me, her brilliant blue eyes glistening with knowledge and awareness, and disappeared.”
    â€œI know you asked me not to share your experience with Jim and Otto and the others, but I am still wondering if the warning was as much for them as for us. Do you really feel that we should keep this encounter a secret?” Randall asked as he rose to dispose of the plastic tray on which his tacos had been served.
    â€œAt least for now, I think we must regard this as a sacred meeting not to be revealed. We are going back to Mcely for a third meeting to fully launch Project Wake Up at the end of the month, and I will sleep on it and see if Mary returns with any direction on what we are to do. I do think this latest encounter was not so much about my personal destiny as the destiny of our project, but it is best to be cautious. We do not know who among the project participants is motivated by higher will and who might have a less altruistic personal motive in using Project Wake Up for their own purposes. I felt that Mary was trying to warn us that we had to be cautious and that much is at stake,” Gayle explained.
    â€œI will be guided by you,” Randall agreed, smiling but serious. “You have always been my guardian angel, and I know that your extrasensory abilities have in almost all instances been accurate in guiding us toward our greater happiness and fulfillment.” He spread his arms wide, as if embracing the whole world. “I sense that we are on the verge of grounding the great vision that Barbara, Otto, Jim, and so many others have been evangelizing. The real work is now just beginning. We are about to see grand-scale changes in tens of millions of people.”
    â€œIt is so strange to hear you talk this way, but it pleases me,” Gayle said. “Even five years ago you were so full of resistance to what I was seeing from the other side. What has changed for you?”
    Randall gave her a kiss on her lips and then drew back. “It’s your smile and your gentle ways. I have never met anyone so dedicated to loving all creatures as you. I have been skeptical for many years that you were too naïve, too kind, and too easily swayed by conspiracy theories that seemed impossible to me. Being with you these last eight years,

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