The Power of Twelve
must be careful,” Randall added, “but let us also be fair. As you have stated, we need everyone to participate in Project Wake Up to ensure success. Everyone includes the wealthy and perhaps even the misguided. Let’s give Arnold a chance and see if he can become part of the team.”
    â€œI think Randall has a point,” Jim joined in. “Arnold’s foundation has given millions of dollars to worthy causes.” He noticed the storm gathering in Gayle’s eyes, and he allowed, “Arnold’s personal lifestyle is somewhat over the top, but you have to remember that he grew up affluent and has added to his family fortune ten times over. Arnold is a hardworking man and, as Randall has stated earlier, could singlehandedly fund Project Wake Up.”
    Softening her expression, Gayle relented. With her eyes sparkling with good cheer she remarked, “Of course we will give Arnold a chance. I only want what is best for Project Wake Up. I can, however, read energy, and I know that with Arnold there will be challenges. I hope he will come around and see that not everything that matters can be measured and documented to his satisfaction. There are unseen forces that will come to assist us, and if Arnold is meant to be part of our endeavor I am sure that there will be signs confirming what we are to do.”
    â€œYes, let’s end this dinner on a positive note,” smiled Abigail/ Barbara. “I am so grateful to everyone who is attending and helping. I recognize what Gayle is saying and believe we should take her caution very seriously. At the same time, I have in the last fifty years never felt that my vision of realizing the universal human was so close at hand. I believe that Project Wake Up will be the final catalyst to achieve this goal. Thank you all so much, and especially you and Inéz for hosting this remarkable dinner.”
    â€œIt has truly been our pleasure,” Inéz responded, speaking for Jim as well. “And now it is late and time for us all to rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”
    Gayle tried to sleep, but she could not get the image of Arnold Wheeler out of her head. She found him more than annoying. She thought his arrogance was dangerous—a symbol of all that needed to be changed. At last she got up. She decided to catch a breath of freshair in the garden to calm her down enough to fall asleep. Careful not to wake up Randall, she put on her robe and a coat and shoes and walked down to the garden.
    She had gone only a few dozen feet into the garden when she felt a familiar presence. Drawing near was the bliss of an angelic being. Turning to her left, she saw the blue dress of Mother Mary. “Do not be frightened, my child. All will be well. You are right to have your fears, but do not let your fears dissuade you. You are destined to succeed. The feminine energy is coming. It is already here. It is time to love and time to fight that which represses love. You are a fighter. You have been chosen to fight this fight.”
    Mother Mary folded Gayle into what seemed an embrace of light rather than a physical clasp. Mother Mary stepped back at last and, still holding Gayle’s hands, continued to advise her. When the conversation was over, Mother Mary imparted a look of deep and perfect love and then disappeared.

    T HOSE WERE THE BEST FISH tacos I ever ate,” Randall told Gayle as he stuffed the last remnants of the avocado, fish, and salsa into his mouth.
    Although Randall had generated hundreds of millions of dollars in advances and royalties for his superstar author clients and tens of millions of dollars in commissions for himself and his staff, he liked simple, down-to-earth people and authentic dining experiences, whether fish tacos at the local taco stand in Cardiff or a hot dog with all the trimmings on the streets of New York.
    â€œIt was not quite as elegant as the seven-course dinner

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