The Pleasure of Pain
wanted to try and follow him.
    Carlos and his last gunman could hear all the gunfire down in the tunnel. “You go down there and tell me what’s happening,” Carlos ordered his henchman. “Don’t come back without the money.” The gunman didn’t move. He heard the screams of the other men in the tunnel and it didn’t sound good. He knew in his heart every last one of them was dead. “Yo, what’s fucking taking you so long,” Carlos yelled as he watched his henchman hesitate.
    “Boss , I don’t want to go down there.” The gunman said.
    “What?” Carlos raised his G lock 10 mm to the henchman’s head. “If you don’t get your punk ass down there now, I’m going to blow your motherfucking brains out.”
    “Yeah, yeah, boss I’m going, I’m going.” The gunman went to the manhole and into the tunnel and started walking. He could hear moans as he kept walking. The moaning got louder as he got closer. When he finally reached where the moaning was coming from, he looked down and couldn’t believe his eyes. All five gunmen were dead on the ground and ripped apart, but what really had him devastated was one of the gunmen was still alive, but badly shot up.
    “Oh my God rats,” he yelled. The rats were eating the bodies of the men. There were about thirty rats on each body and the guy that was on the floor still alive was crying in pain as they ate away at him. “AAHHH,” the gunman screamed as he watched then his eyes met with the man on the floor. “Help, help me,” he said in a weak voice. “Stop them, stop them, AAHHH!”
    “I don’t know what to do,” the henchman yelled. Then he looked at the man in pain and all the rats covering his body. Some were inside of his body eating his insides. The henchman aimed his chrome 9 mm at the man’s head and squeezed the trigger. Flames sparked from his gun as he killed the man on the floor. “It was the only way I could help,” he said out loud to no one but himself. He wanted to turn back around, but knew Carlos would put a bullet in him if he didn’t try to come back with that money. So he kept on walking down the tunnel praying he wouldn’t become rat meat like the others. That was his last thought as he passed a device that set off a bomb. The bomb exploded and blew him to pieces.
    Carlos felt the whole warehouse shake. “Damn, I know someone heard that shit,” Carlos said to himself as he began to run to his car to get the hell away before the cops showed up. As he drove away, he hoped Cash hadn’t found the tracing device if not he still had a chance to get him.

    Nothing Could Stop Our Love
    Chapter 24                            
    Bless and Tess spent the day in Harlem to get away from all the stress in Brooklyn. They shopped on 125 th Street and stopped at almost every store.  Bless wanted to do whatever he could to ease his woman’s pain. She told him about the argument she had with Vanessa. So they got away from the hood and spent the day shopping and making love in their townhouse in Harlem on 119 th and Lenox. After a day of shopping, they put their bags down at the door. “Baby, I’m going to take a shower,” Tess said.
    “You do that Mami,” Bless replied.
    “What you trying to say? My shit always smells good and I always have your face in it to prove it.” They both busted out laughing.
    “Boo , I wasn’t trying to say anything,” he said with a devilish smile. She walked away to the bathroom. They had a bathroom in the master bedroom. While she walked, Bless watched her walk away and couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass. Her walk was truly one of a kind. “Yo, while you in the shower. I’ll start dinner Mami.”
    “Oh really,” Tess yelled from the bathroom.
    “Girl, you know damn well I taught your ass how to cook. We already know who the chef in this family is.” He could hear laughing the sound of it put a smile on his face and in his heart.
    ‘ I needed this’, Tess thought to

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