The Place of Dead Kings

The Place of Dead Kings by Geoffrey Wilson Page A

Book: The Place of Dead Kings by Geoffrey Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geoffrey Wilson
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– most of the village had come out to see him off. Saleem walked with his mother and sisters, and Godwin strode across the grass, wearing his longsword for some unfathomable reason.
    ‘Listen . . .’ Jack frowned as he searched for the words. He had to say this quickly before the others arrived. ‘I know you said you’d fight. But, if the Rajthanans do come before I get back, you take Godwin and go. Run. Anywhere.’
    Elizabeth shook her head slowly. ‘We’ll stay here and face them.’
    He gripped her arm tighter. ‘Think of the baby.’
    ‘I am. I want my child to live in a better world.’
    He was about to say more, but the villagers were within earshot now and he knew there was little he could do to convince Elizabeth anyway. As always, she would make her own decisions.
    Godwin walked over to them and stood with his hands on his belt and his head raised, staring into the distance. ‘Good luck, sir.’
    Jack nodded slowly and eyed the small crowd gathering about him. There was sturdy Tom, old Mary, Mark and the other acolytes from the House of Sorcery. He met the eyes of each in turn. To his left, Saleem – the only other person from the village coming on the journey – was slinging saddlebags across the back of his own horse and saying goodbye to his family.
    Jack faced the villagers again. ‘I’m proud to be your reeve. I’ll be back in a few months, but in the meantime I’ve decided to appoint a temporary replacement.’ He took his folded white surcoat out of a bag on the side of the horse. ‘Godwin.’ He offered the surcoat to his son-in-law.
    Godwin gasped and stepped back.
    Jack thrust the coat towards him. ‘Go on.’
    Godwin swallowed, stood up straighter and solemnly took the folded cloth. ‘Thank you, sir.’ His voice shook slightly.
    Jack looked back at the villagers. ‘Godwin’s in charge now. I’m sure you’ll all do your best to help him.’
    Tom started clapping, and shortly after that everyone else joined in. Godwin sniffed and puffed out his chest. And then it was as if a spell had been broken and the villagers bustled around Jack, hugging him and wishing him well, some with tears in their eyes. Jack said farewell to each of them in turn. Finally, he shook Godwin’s hand and gave Elizabeth a hug.
    ‘Thank you for Godwin,’ Elizabeth whispered in his ear.
    Then he swung up on to the mare, glanced at Elizabeth and felt his throat tighten when he saw her forlorn face. He looked across at Saleem, who was also now up on his horse, his mother and sisters crying in a huddle nearby.
    Jack nodded to the crowd. ‘God’s grace to you all. God’s will in England.’
    Then he turned his horse and set off into the mist at a canter, with Saleem keeping up the pace beside him.



    ‘N ot far now, sir.’ The man from Dun Fries pulled the hood of his cloak tighter about his head. The rain streamed down the folds in the cloth and dripped from the rim. ‘Just over that hill.’ He pointed to where the dirt road rose to pass over a saddle between two low, barren hills.
    Jack shivered as he walked alongside the man. The rain was seeping through his heavy tunic and even the doublet underneath. ‘How big is the party?’
    ‘About a hundred soldiers, I heard. Hundred porters too. Maybe more.’
    ‘You sure they’re still looking for men?’
    The man shrugged. ‘Don’t know. You’ll find out soon enough.’
    Jack stared ahead through the shafts of rain. The droplets pummelled the ground, turning it to sodden muck. The landscape was empty and grey, save for a few twisted trees that had already lost most of their leaves.
    The Rajthanans had better still be looking for men. Jack and the others had to be on that expedition into Scotland. Otherwise there was little chance of them making it all the way to Mahajan’s kingdom.
    Jack glanced back. Saleem and the eight other crusaders from Shropshire were trudging up the slope behind him. They all looked tired and grim in the silver

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