The Perfect Emotion

The Perfect Emotion by Melissa Rolka

Book: The Perfect Emotion by Melissa Rolka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Rolka
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hide this from him, but I don’t know that I was ready to discuss it right now.
    “What are you doing?” I ask cautiously.
    “Not what you think. I was just going to attach my number to a song that makes me think of you.”
    “What did you see?”
    “I saw the text. That is what my question was going to be about last night. When’s the last time you saw or talked to him?” His jaw is tight and I can hear him grinding his teeth. One of his hands has moved to his side and is clenched in a fist. I really don’t want to talk about this, but I know it’s unavoidable.
    “I haven’t seen or talked to him since the hospital, but…”
    “But what?”
    “It’s nothing really.” My eyes have lowered down to my feet and I’m worried he’s mad with me. “I don’t want you mad, you look angry right now.”
    “Shit, I’m sorry, no.  Come here.”  He opens his arms and I willingly flee to them.  I’m desperate to know he’s not upset with me.  I lean into him and he takes me on his lap with our arms linked around each other.  “I’m just worried is all.  I know that night was worse for you, but it affected me too.  And after I tortured myself for weeks with thoughts of the worst-case scenario…  God, even if you never came back to me I still would never want you back with Kyle.”
    “I never went back to him and I never plan to.” 


    It’s a comfortable silence in the car with my mom going south towards Chicago.  This is the first time in a while that the anger I usually feel towards her is minimalized.  The sun is shining brightly and it’s one of those random days in March where you thank the weather forecasters for being right.  I lean back against the seat thinking of Reed.  Our goodbye was difficult for both of us.  He had wanted to come down and meet my mom when she got there, but I told him I wasn’t ready.  Understanding was all that I could see pass over his face.  We kissed passionately and he promised to call me daily.  He made me promise to not see Kyle and I assured him I had no intentions of that.  I could see the uneasy feeling he was carrying on the subject though.  Before we parted he made me promise that if anything else happened with Kyle to tell my parents and him.  Pressing his lips to my forehead he explained that he didn’t trust him and these recent texts made him nervous.  I tried my best to reassure him that it was okay, but the way his brows creased made it clear this was really a worry for him.  I hated how Kyle still managed to be at the forefront of my life. 
    Before we parted his long fingers enveloped my pinky while his lips brushed against mine once more.  His tongue licked over my top and back down across my bottom then slid in between and gently coaxed my tongue to mingle with his.  It was slow and a familiar desire began to stir in me.  I hummed into him with a moan and he pulled back with a smile.  His free hand guided my ear to his lips and he whispered sweet nothings that sent a rush of sensation throughout my body.
    “Katherine.” He paused as if waiting for my full attention. “You’re MY beautiful girl and soon when the time is right I’ll show you just how I remember every inch of your beautiful body.”
    “But now is not the right time?” I whispered against his chest.
    “No, you wouldn’t want it right now trust me.”
    “How can you be so sure?”
    “Because right now we are going to be separated for the week and I’m going to be really busy working. I won’t be able to give you the attention you deserve. Plus, I feel like I just got you back and I’m not about to risk losing you again.”
    I open my eyes to see my mom pulling off the freeway. The sun is momentarily blinding me. I shift away from the window and straighten myself up. Rubbing at my eyes I yawn as I arch my back.
    “I thought we’d do a little shopping at the outlet mall before we head home. Is that okay?” My mom asks

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