The Perfect Affair
Kelly’s popular song offered faith, hope, and the knowledge that one could do anything, achieve everything, if they believed. “We’re going to have to hire live-in help for her. Next to moving her to Virginia to live with us, or at least close to us, that is the only thing that will give me total peace. Knowing someone is with her, living there, and watching her every move.”
    “I spoke with that UCLA neurosurgeon about a serum that I’ve developed from a specific plant’s stem cells, one that is very promising in reversing memory loss and decreased motor skills in the elderly. Unfortunately, until it’s been approved by the FDA, no hospital in America will touch it.”
    “Then let’s try it outside of America,” Sherri answered. “Canada is very progressive and you have colleagues there. I’d fly Mom over the border in a heartbeat if it means that she’ll get better. I’ll do whatever it takes to make her well.”
    “I know, baby,” Randall said, immediately thinking of another Canadian and how her citizenship and other connections might come in handy in this endeavor. “I’m as committed as you are in seeing that happen. I’d like nothing more.” He’d reached the small of her back, his ministrations soft and gentle as he massaged her there. His hands continued, slightly squeezing her love handles before moving over her round butt and squeezing again.
    Sherri turned over. The look of love was in her eyes. “Remember when we first began dating,” she asked, rubbing her hands across his bare chest, “and I brought you home to meet Mom?”
    “And I impressed her with my good looks and above-average intelligence?”
    “Uh, not quite.”
    “No, I’m just teasing. She liked you right away, especially when you showed up with flowers. None of my other boyfriends had done that.”
    “What do you mean ‘none’? You make it sound like there were several, when to my knowledge there was only one!”
    “Will you stop being the researcher and just listen to my story? Yes, before you came along I’d only had one boyfriend. But I had several dates and none of them ever brought Mom anything.”
    “Admit it, baby. From the very beginning . . . I was the man.” He leaned over and kissed her, light yet promising.
    “She couldn’t get over the way you dressed: Hush Puppies paired with khaki pants, button-down shirts, and those Bill Cosby-style sweaters. ”
    “Hey, don’t knock a man’s style. I had to rock those sweaters with my wire-rims!”
    “Okay, I’ll give it to you,” Sherri said as she moved over so that Randall could lie down beside her. “You did look cute in those horn-rimmed glasses.”
    “Not cute . . . handsome.”
    “Okay, now you’re pushing it. You were just . . . ah!” Sherri reacted to being tickled. “Randall, stop!”
    He did, and pulled her on top of him.
    She kissed him, ran her tongue along the crease of his mouth until his lips parted, then darted her tongue inside. “You still look cute,” she said, kissing him again.
    “Is that so?” His hands went on a journey of discovery, luxuriating in the feel of her naked skin. Fourteen going on fifteen years . . . and he hadn’t had enough.
    Sherri rolled her hips, pressing her pelvis against his hardening manhood. “There’s nothing about you that I don’t like,” she whispered into his ear, before nipping its lobe. “Absolutely nothing.”
    Soon, Randall’s mouth found a nipple and Sherri’s hand found his shaft. Leisurely moments of kissing, fondling, nipping, and licking gave way to panting and thrusting and a sex-scented room. There was something to be said for time, and how the longer one made love to one’s mate the better they knew each other. Randall knew exactly where and when to touch, and Sherri knew just how hard to squeeze. Some nights they got frisky and talked nasty, but on this night—Sherri’s return home after a quick trip to Raleigh—no words were needed. Their bodies communicated

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