The People vs. Cashmere

The People vs. Cashmere by Karen Williams Page A

Book: The People vs. Cashmere by Karen Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Williams
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said, Get out! Get out! You got five more seconds to pack your shit!”
    I looked at Desiree with a shocked expression that asked her silently, “How the fuck could you?”
    Desiree gave me a glance that said she was sorry then changed her sorry expression to a malicious one, twisting her mouth to one side and rolling her eyes at our aunt. “Shit, he came after me and he was willing to pay. Shit, I don’t want your man. Don’t trip.”
    â€œAfter I give y’all whores a home, this is how you repay me?”
    Desiree tossed a bag my way. “Cash, I packed your shit too.”
    I shook my head. “What? I’m not leaving, Desiree. I’m staying.”
    My aunt turned to me. “I want both of you out.”
    â€œWe’ll be out, bitch.”
    Aunt Ruby took a step toward her.
    A naked Desiree stood and balled her fist, fire in her eyes. “Touch me, bitch, and get fucked up like my mom used to whip on you!”
    Aunt Ruby stepped back.
    â€œAunt,” I whispered.
    â€œI want you both out!” She turned on her heel and marched out of the room.
    â€œDon’t judge me. I needed the money, since you giving me that bullshit you made at the café. He offered, so I took it.”
    â€œSo you tricking now?”
    â€œShut up, Cashmere, and let’s go.” Desiree zipped her duffel bag with her shit and rushed out. “Bye, bitch!” she yelled.
    I walked out the house slowly behind her.
    My aunt didn’t reply. She just rocked back and forth in her chair. And despite how mean she was to us and how bad she made living with her, I felt bad for her. She just did, after all, catch her husband cheating red-handed. Her pride and joy, the man she boasted about at her card games with her friends and constantly brought up in her phone conversations, and always found a way to praise him on being a great husband, father, and lover, when all her other friends either complained about what a piece-of-shit man they had, how their men wouldn’t stop hitting them, cheating on them, or commit to them. Or some just complained because they just didn’t have one. Now she was sitting in a chair crying her eyes out. But don’t get me wrong, she was going to take him back. He’d already cheated on her before. But, still, to see her hurt, I was hurting. I couldn’t imagine that happening to me and Caesar.
    â€œI hope everything gets better, Auntie. And I’m sorry for your pain.” I tried to pat her hand, but when she saw my hand moving toward hers, she snatched hers away and rested both her hands on her lap.
    I smiled tightly and said, “Thanks for letting us stay here.”
    â€œCashmere, come on. Damn! Your man said he would drive us to a hotel.”
    I walked out of the house, and down the porch steps to Caesar, who had just helped my sister in the back seat and was rushing to open the passenger door for me to get in.
    Broken woman , I thought. I gave him the best smile I could manage, but the truth was, I was worried out of my mind. I didn’t feel comfortable or happy about leaving my aunt’s house. There was no telling where we would be now, and since my sister wasn’t the most reliable person any damn way, I knew we were going to be in some shit.
    I snapped on my seat belt and took a deep breath when I felt my eyes tear up. Before Caesar could make it back into his seat, I wiped them away quickly and glared in the rearview mirror at my trifling-ass sister. This bitch’s scandalousness had no gotdamn fucking limit!
    I squeezed Caesar’s arm as he made a U-turn and drove past our aunt’s home. The whole time, watching my sister in the mirror.
    â€œStop fucking looking at me like that!” Desiree yelled.
    â€œLike what?” I yelled back.
    â€œLike I’ma—”
    â€œA what?” I continued to eye her in the mirror like one would look at shit on the back of their shoe, hoping it would make

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