was in a race for her life. They all knew the stakes, and theyâd do anything to bring her home safely. But no one was more serious about that mission than Danny Tracker. He adjusted his headset and snapped a command at a specialist sitting just a few yards away.
The biggest coup of Trackerâs impressive career was recruiting Erin McCoy into the CIAâs operations division. It was Tracker whoâd first heard about a college-age daughter of the late Sean McCoy from MacPherson. It was Tracker whoâd obtained access to Sean McCoyâs file and began poring over it. It was Tracker whoâd cleared Erin to learn what her father had really done for all those years and why sheâd rarely seen him. It was Tracker who helped her understand for the first time how her father had died, and why. And in time it was he whoâd persuaded her to join his team, and eventually to infiltrate GSX and watch Jon Bennettâs back.
McCoyâs foray into Global Strategix hadnât gone precisely as Tracker had hoped. Thereâd been complications that he hadnât foreseen. Still, he regarded it as a coup for many reasons, some professional, some personal. But now all of it was in jeopardy. McCoyâs life was on the line, and he wasnât entirely sure their plan would really work.
Galishnikov could see the Jeep catching up to them.
He knew they were running out of time. This wasnât random. This was personal. They were coming after himâto kill him, to send a message to the president to stay out of their war with the Jews. Why werenât the Americans and Israelis on offense? Why werenât Bennett and McCoy calling in air strikes? Where was the IDF? Why werenât they sending a strike force? This was out of control.
If the Palestinians were going to start blowing up their own leaders, how could Israel ever make peace with them? Why should they? Maybe Ariel Sharon had been right. Jordan was Palestine. Sixty percent of the country of Jordan was Palestinian. Why did they need the West Bank and Gaza, too? All of the Palestinians should just be deported to Jordan, Galishnikov thought. Let King Abdullah take care of them. God had promised all this land to the Jews. They were willing to share some of it. He certainly had been. But enough was enough. No one could accuse him of being a hawk. He wasnât an extremist. He wanted peace. Heâd worked for peace. But a peace treaty without real security guarantees for Israel was a suicide pact and he wasnât going to be part of that. Not anymore. Not after what heâd seen today.
Galishnikov told Bennett to get off the road and find a way back. They needed to be heading north, not south. They needed to be getting out of Gaza, not going deeper into it. They were rapidly heading toward the Stripâs most dangerous stronghold, the Khan Yunis refugee camp where radical Islamic forces were especially strong. What were they supposed to do then? How were they supposed to survive with no DSS agents to protect them, and no air support to extract them?
âWhat the hell are you doing, Jonathan? Get us off this road nowânow.â
Snapshot blew down the straightaway so fast it was beginning to shake.
The engine was heading into the red zone. Bennett was pushing this car beyond its limits, but the Jeep was still closing the gap. He couldnât slow down now. He certainly couldnât get off the road or turn around. At the rate they were going theyâd just flip the car and roll until they blew up or the Jeep got a clear shot at their gas tank.
Banacci continued to swerve back and forth across the road, trying desperately not to provide a clear shot, while two of his agents lay on their stomachs in the back, laying down M-16 fire, hoping to take out a tire, if not the driver behind them.
Bennettâs eyes were locked on the road.
McCoy tried to keep hers from locking on Bennett. She knew he loved his
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