The Pathway To Us

The Pathway To Us by Elle Vassar Page B

Book: The Pathway To Us by Elle Vassar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Vassar
Tags: Contemporary Romance
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walked over to the bedroom. She stood at the threshold of the door wishing she could have just one more night on the island. Just one more. The tears finally started to fall. This time, Lily didn’t try to fight them. She placed her glasses and the hat on the nightstand next to the bed. She kicked off her kitten heeled shoes and crawled into the center of the bed. Lily spent the rest of the afternoon hoping one day she would be able to put the pieces of her heart back together.
    Sleep was elusive, and sleeping on a bed again was going to take some getting used to. Lily hadn’t even been able to cry herself to sleep. After hours of tossing and turning, Lily got up and decided to take a shower. Even though they’d only been stranded for a couple of months, she was surprised at the things she would need to get used to again, hot water being one of them.
    It was close to midnight by the time Lily came out of the shower wrapped in a fluffy white robe when there was a light tap on her door. Her heart sped up hoping it was Logan. Lily checked through the peep hole just to make sure. Hurriedly, she opened it.
    She was breathless. “Logan.” He came inside, and as soon as the door closed, Lily threw her arms around his neck. “You came! I—I didn’t think I would see or hear from you tonight.”
    He held her close and breathed in her scent. They just held each other, until he finally spoke. “I needed to see for myself how you were doing.”
    Her face was wet with tears. “I’m fine now that you’re here.”
    Logan pulled back slightly to wipe the wetness away then touched his forehead to hers. “Don’t cry.”
    “I’m sorry. I just . . . I love you, Logan. I’m so afraid what we had is all I’ll ever have with you.”
    Her words almost cut him in half. The pain was so intense he thought it might even be physical. “Lily.”
    She looked up into his eyes only to see the same anguish as before. Her voice was low. “Can you just stay with me tonight?”
    Logan swallowed deeply before shaking his head no. “Lily, I need some time to sort this out. It wouldn’t be fair to Bree or you. Bree doesn’t deserve to be hurt, and neither do you.”
    Devastated, Lily looked away. “Did you tell her about us?”
    “I think it was already pretty obvious, but yes.”
    Lily’s voice still sounded small. “How did she take it?”
    “She wasn’t happy about it.” Frustrated, Logan ran his hands through his hair. “I had to be honest. Look, none of us planned any of this. So, it’s hard for her, me, and you.” He quieted. Then, continued. “I care about you more than you could possibly know. We’ve survived the unimaginable.”
    Lily couldn’t help but wonder if what he felt for her was just gratitude.
    “And, Bree and I we were planning a life together before all of this happened. I just need you to give me a little time to figure this all out.”
    Lily stared at the floor. “Okay.” What else could she say? C hoose me, Logan! She’d already told him that she loved him twice and neither time did he say it back.
    He tipped her chin up with his finger and gazed into her eyes. “I just need a little time.”
    She wanted to trust what she saw in his eyes but was afraid to. Logan bent low as if to kiss her but stopped just a fraction away from her lips. He closed his eyes as if in pain then pulled back. “I should go.”
    When he walked away and out the door, Lily knew she needed to leave this place immediately. There was no way she could stay in this hotel knowing he was trying to make the decision of being with either her or Bree.
    Lily didn’t have many clothes, but the few items the Tremont family was gracious enough to buy were packed and ready to go. The front desk had recently called to let her know the car was ready and waiting to take her to the airport. She would wear the hat and glasses again in an attempt to leave as discreetly as possible.
    When Lily opened her hotel room door to leave, she

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