The Pathway To Us

The Pathway To Us by Elle Vassar Page A

Book: The Pathway To Us by Elle Vassar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Vassar
Tags: Contemporary Romance
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bringing my son home to me!”
    Lily stood by and watched unable to keep her own emotions in check. What she wouldn’t give to have her own parent’s arms wrapped around her. She almost felt like a voyeur watching the private moment between him and his mother unfold. Then, she heard it. The soft voice of another woman. It was also filled with emotion.
    Lily had been dreading this moment and was unsure of how she would handle it. She couldn’t breathe or move waiting and wondering what this reunion would be like.
    Logan’s mother moved out of the way, and Lily was finally face to face with her, Bree Michaels. She only had eyes for Logan though and didn’t even see Lily. Bree wrapped her arms around his neck, and the moment his arms snaked around her waist, Lily didn’t think her legs would continue to support her. Mr. Tremont somehow understood the gravity of the situation and subtly moved his hand to her elbow offering quiet support just as Bree kissed Logan deeply on the lips.
    Lily bit down on her bottom lip so hard she thought it would bleed. Logan’s father moved his hand to her shoulder knowing she would need more support.
    After what felt like an eternity, Bree pulled away, eyes wet with tears and managed to speak. “I missed you so much. I thought you were dead.”
    Lily thought his voice sounded strange when he spoke. “No, I’m ver y much alive.” After another few moments of silence. He stepped back just a bit and turned to Lily. Logan inhaled deeply. “Mom and Bree let me introduce you to Lily Huntington. We, she and I . . .” He paused.
    Lily held her breath hoping and wondering how he was going to introduce her. Was it going to be as his friend? His lover? He probably didn’t even know.
    “We were stranded on the island together.”
    Her voice didn’t work. Instead, she attempted a smile. The moment was awkward for everyone. It was evident from the look on his mother’s face and when Bree’s smile faltered that they understood that there was probably more to it than that.
    Dr. Tremont’s booming voice rang out. “I think we should continue our reunion privately.”
    Out of nowhere, the hotel manager appeared. “Yes, I have several suites set aside for everyone to gather themselves. If you would just follow me.”
    They walked over to the elevators, and when the doors opened there wasn’t enough room for everyone. Half of them got on, and the other half waited to take the next elevator. Logan got on with his mother, fiancé, and a few security guards. Lily and Logan stood facing opposite each other. He in the elevator and her standing on the outside. The anguish in his eyes was clear. Just before the doors closed, Bree leaned over into his body, reached for his hand, and linked her fingers with his.
    Lily was devastated.

Chapter 15
    Lily didn’t know how she was able to keep it together long enough to cry in the privacy of her own room, but she managed. Dr. Tremont was gracious enough to walk her to her door.
    It was evident he was concerned. “Is there anyone I should call? You parents? Someone special?”
    “Thank you but…” She decided to keep the knowledge of her parent’s death to herself. “Thank you, but I’m sure my calls would be better coming from me.”
    His eyes were so warm, and he seemed hesitant to leave. “If there is anything that you need, please let me know.”
    Lily did manage a shaky smile this time. She could see where Logan got his compassion from. “Thank you. I will.”
    She turned to go inside her room. The moment the door closed behind her, Lily wrapped her arms around her body seeking comfort from herself but wishing they were Logan’s arms.
    She blew out a long breath as she looked around the room. It was beautiful and bigger than her small apartment back in Chicago. It was split into the living quarters and a separate bedroom. Somehow the spaciousness of it all made her feel more alone than ever. Lily took off her hat as she

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