The Path (Fire on the Mountain Series)

The Path (Fire on the Mountain Series) by Rick Joyner

Book: The Path (Fire on the Mountain Series) by Rick Joyner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Joyner
Tags: Christian Inspirational
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William interjected. “In light of what we’re experiencing here, those days seem petty and insignificant. I’ve never learned as many profound lessons in one day as I have this day.”
“It’s intensely wonderful and intensely scary at the same time. You were serious when you said that we should count every day as if it could be our last because it could. I thought you were being dramatic, but I’m sure I’ll be taking everything you say more seriously now,” another one said.
“Yes, but I’d rather not perish in this wilderness. I want to see the mountain. If I die, I’d rather die in battle there, so let’s learn these three lessons and get through this place,” another one countered.
“The first generation that left Egypt all perished in the wilderness. Their account is written for us so that the same does not have to happen to us. This journey is meant to be hard, and it is meant to be dangerous to prepare us for what we are called to, but we are not called to perish here. We must know the Lord, know His voice, and obey Him in all things in order to make it. We must stay so close to Him that He is never out of our sight. We must learn to abide in the manifest presence of the Lord. If we ever lose that, we must stop and find Him. His presence is even more vital to us than this water,” another added.
“That is why He allows those lions to roam here. They are for our sake—they drive us to the Lord,” the older Mary said. “I have never felt Him like I have here, even like I do right now.”
“I think we can learn in one day here what may have taken years to learn on that ship,” William added.
“The whole world depends on Him for life,” another one added. ‘ In Him we live and move and have our being ,’ and here that is made real to us. We can’t make it a single day without Him. We are here to learn this. The whole world is about to learn this, and we will be sent to the world with that message. This is the gospel of the kingdom that must be preached throughout the world. This message will not go forth in just words, but in power, the power of those who live it.”
    All I could think about was how much I loved my job.

    A fter we all drank from the stream, we sat in a large semicircle to pray and for a short teaching in order to review all that we had been taught that day. There was much to process, but after the exhilaration of the day, we were emotionally exhausted. Even so, the living water quickened us so that the prayers were passionate, as was the discussion after the short teaching. I finished with a review of our three main purposes for each day:
    • Knowing the voice of the Lord
    • Obeying Him
    • Dwelling in His presence
    The next morning we drank and again sat to pray together and review our purpose for the day. We reviewed our three main purposes and challenged the group how we might make the most of our day, even if we had no lion attack, no visit from Elijah, or no other drama. The Lord’s presence was very real. It was hard not to just want to sit there all day, but we began walking down the path.
    We had not gone far when I found myself in a small group composed of both Marys, William, Mark, and a couple of others. William began the discussion:
“The knowledge of His ways is more valuable than any earthly treasure. We all agree on that. If that had not been clear before, yesterday fully established that. We have only been on this journey a few days but a pattern is developing. We discuss a principle or truth and then experience it’s application. Can we expect this every day now?”
“If we abide in the Lord, this is one of the ways He teaches us,” I answered. “He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. For a truth to become life, it must be applied to our life. The Word says that the ways of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. He does order our steps to help turn what He is teaching us into life.
“We are promised in His

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