The Park (Evenstad Media Presents Book 1)

The Park (Evenstad Media Presents Book 1) by Voss Foster

Book: The Park (Evenstad Media Presents Book 1) by Voss Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Voss Foster
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Disconnected it. And maybe gotten an
explanation out of him about the whole mess.
    I didn't realize how much I would miss him, when he was
gone. I knew we wouldn't stick around together forever. If nothing else, he
would have probably died off before me. Yeah… too morbid. Bad mistake on my
part. It sure as hell won't help my mood at all.
    I tell you what. This may all be ridiculous, and it may be
completely stupid on my part, and he might not even consider offering me up the
same courtesy, but I can't leave Manfred be. Assuming we run into each other at
some point before the game ends… when else would we run into each other? If we
run into each other, I'll help him out. I don't know how, but I'll figure a
way. He deserves that, a nice guy like him. He should never have been here. I'm
writing it down so that I'm accountable. Now there's at least some kid of
record, even if no one will see it.

Unexpected Success for 'The Park'
    4/17/2074 at 8:16 p.m. EST
    Three and a half months. That's a hell of a life for any TV
show nowadays, especially a reality show. We can only watch people play mind
games and sidestep social pitfalls for so long before it loses its luster. Even
the most long-lived reality competitions eventually die off.
    And then we have The Park. It's still in the number one
spot, and the ratings are still rising. Evenstad Media's making a ton of money
on it, and they only seem to be fixing to make more and more.
    Of course, the whole success of the show is in the
characters. I know, I know, they're contestants, not characters. But those
contestants sure are some characters.
    I know, I know, it's a bad joke. Sue me. But they are. I
don’t know if I can honestly believe that they were randomly selected. It's
just a little too perfect at times, the way some of them interact and react.
    Personally? I prefer Susan. She's driven. More than any of
them, she wants it, I think. She wants it badly. More than the other
contestants. She's already killed for it once, and I doubt it's going to be the
last time we see that. Craig needs to watch out, when she finally finds him.
I'd be scared shitless if I knew she was out there looking for me, even if I
had a real electric fence set up.
    I'll definitely keep tuning in every week, and I suggest you
all join me. You won't be sorry.
    Phil Boggs

    ENTRY 009
    DATE: 4/18/2074
    I just realized how fucked I am without Manfred around here.
Or after he left. Or something. I'm just… I'm so frazzled. I can't believe I
missed something so obvious as this. I don't have anything left if someone gets
through. My perimeter isn't flawless by any definition, and I know for a fact
that Susan, at least, is looking for me. I don't know how close she is. Hell,
maybe she's dead, but I doubt that. I really doubt that.
    I have the weak laser thing, yeah, but I don't know how much
it's really going to do up against flesh and bone. I'm not all that afraid of
it, and I have it right up by my face when I work with it.
    Which means I have to go out. Either that or sit and wait
and pray that I never have to fight anyone off. Which I'd rather not risk. If I
stick with that theory, that's when Susan'll show up. So going out it is. I
have enough protection that, if I don't find anything out there, I can be kind
of safe. Kind of. So I don't have to leave for long, I hope. Five or six hours,
at most, and I hope not that long. But I really need to track something down
out there. Otherwise, Susan'll show up and blast a hole right through my skull,
just like she did with Tina. Wouldn't that be lovely?

    ENTRY 006
    DATE: 4/17/2074
    I have to write this journal while Christina's asleep. Of
course, she sleeps most of the time nowadays, anyway. Poor thing. She just
hasn't been right since that attack. But I have. That's why she can't see this.
    I know it's wrong, but I liked it. I liked being that close
to death. It wasn’t my death, and

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