The Park (Evenstad Media Presents Book 1)

The Park (Evenstad Media Presents Book 1) by Voss Foster Page A

Book: The Park (Evenstad Media Presents Book 1) by Voss Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Voss Foster
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maybe that's the big difference. It probably
is, I suppose. I'd be even worse off than she is if that woman had been coming
after me. I bet she would have, after she took care of Christina, but I don't
know. In her place… well, I can't say. I don’t think I can put myself in that
state of mind, really.
    I know it's not right for Christina. She's been acting so
weird lately. Not herself at all. When I met her, she looked like power. Plain
and simple power and control, and nothing else about her. Now… I don't know.
She's cracking, I guess. Things are starting to get to her. She's told me a
couple times now that it would be best for me to just leave her, since she's a
weak link. But I cracked too. A lot more than she did, and for a lot less. But
she was there. I'm hardly just going to leave her to fend for herself now. It
wouldn't be right. And I'd miss her. A lot. Really a lot.
    But I have an idea, too. I think I can get her to snap back
together. At least well enough for her to keep playing this game. Or it could
really wreck her up. Like, a lot worse than she is right now. A lot. But she
always tried to do the right thing with me. That meant letting me figure out my
own stupidity without a lot of interference. I don't think letting her sit and
go stale is good. I've got to take an active role in getting her put back
together. And I'm hoping that a trip outside is the right thing.
    But I worry that it's just me wanting to go out, too.
Because I do want to. It was so exciting… I just have to think about it and
trust my instincts. What else is there?

    ENTRY 009
    DATE: 4/21/2074
    Found Craig. Moved in close by for now. He's good. Managed
to set up traps. Obvious traps. Probably has others. Smart kid. Won't be too
easy. I can manage. A lot of money when I do. Going to watch him move for a
while. Find where he doesn't step. It won't be long. He's smart, not sneaky.
Not too sneaky, at least.
    Considered shooting a hole through the house. Be easier. But
too noticeable. Could see that golden ball almost anywhere. Not worth the risk,
now. Not if I don't have to. Have to get a clean shot. Every shot I make is
worth almost two million. Twenty million divided by twelve. I'll take my time.

    ENTRY 007
    DATE: 4/21/2074
    I already hate myself for what I'm going to do. It makes me
want to puke just thinking about it. But I have to. I'm going to take Christina
outside today. Back to where we were when that woman tried to kill her. Or
nearby. As long as she realizes that's where we are, it'll work just fine.
    And I have to scare her. I don't know how, yet. I can figure
that out later. But it has to happen. It's the only way I can think to maybe
jog her back into herself. Maybe. Or ruin her. Or… I need to stop. I can't keep
worrying about it. But I should. But I can't.
    I hate this.

    Fort Lewis will be hosting military training exercises from
Sunday, April 22 nd to Saturday, April 28 th . All
non-military personnel are banned from the premises, barring special permit.
Dangerous weapons will be present. For the safety of all involved, a 50 foot
perimeter will be maintained around the airport. Any persons attempting to
cross will be arrested and fined a maximum penalty of $100,000 and serve a
minimum six-month prison sentence.
    The training may produce strange lights and sounds. Please
do not be alarmed by these. Everything is well under control. In the event of a
disaster, all citizens within a one-mile radius will be immediately evacuated.
While we do not anticipate any such failures, please be prepared for any
    Lena Browne, United States Secretary of Defense

    ENTRY 009
    DATE: 4/23/2074
    I haven't fucking left, yet. I found those two ladies, but I
can't make myself fucking go over there and just do it. Or even try to do it.
It wouldn't be difficult. Just set the fucking house on fire. If she

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