The Overlord's Heir
from the stairs leading to the upper
    Sera and Vesa wove
their way through the crowd, removing plates and replenishing others. Taking a
deep breath as all eyes turned in his direction, Vaan forced his feet to move
    Saran immediately
came to his side. His brother’s eyes dropped to the youngling then met Vaan’s. “I
sent my men back to Kaban. I am here for you.”
    Vaan could only
    The chatter
dwindled until quiet settled except for the mewling cries of his daughter. “It
would seem that Raasa tradition mirrors Kaban in that a naming ceremony is a
joyous occasion. I would honor tradition though my mate lays ill in our bed
    Tears appeared on
the face of a few of the women and the males as well. They grieved openly while
his warriors maintained a stoic demeanor that did not hide their pain. Vaan
cuddled the youngling and smiled at the small hand that poked from the
blankets. “In Kaban, a warriors’ youngling receives blooded protection.”
    Though lacking in
facial hair, the Raasa’s brow creased creating wrinkles of puzzlement. “The
proud father gives his dagger to his trusted warriors…”
    A sharp gasp
stopped him from finishing. Vaan continued. “But all know of Mikayla’s temper.”
    Some chuckled
outright at the truth he spoke.
    “I would blend the
Kaban tradition with one I find favor in among the Raasa. Kisses shall take the
place of blood to combine our ways as my mate and I have blended our home.”
Vaan kissed the tiny forehead. “I offer the kiss of protection.” Without pause,
Vaan held up his first daughter in the air. “May my youngling be as wise as her
namesake. I present to you, Erana Mikayla Galip.” He lifted her high above his
    The hall erupted
in cheers. His Warlords and his brother dropped to one knee and unsheathed
their swords.
    “All hail the
Overlord’s heir! Erana!”
    They rammed the
tips of their swords into the wooden floor, leaving the handles to quiver from
the force. The display caused Vaan to steel his nerve. He had witnessed many
naming ceremonies but this was for one of his own.
    Saran stood and to
Vaan’s surprise, stepped aside to allow Argan to pass. His friend dipped his
head to Saran before he stepped forward and with a nervous twitch accepted the
youngling Vaan handed him. Mimicking Vaan’s actions, Argan kissed the tiny
head. “I offer the kiss of protection. I will protect you when your father
cannot. Ever shall my blade stand between you and your enemy.”
    Vaan swallowed. He
had not expected such a vow. Argan carefully cradled Erana and walked back
toward the line of warriors and passed the youngling to Saran who kissed her
brow and whispered words Vaan could not hear. After, he walked to a kneeling
Kavan and handed the baby into the waiting arms.
    Kavan kissed the
youngling. “I offer the kiss of protection. I will protect you when your father
can not. Ever shall my blade stand between you and your enemy.”
    Pride soared and
Vaan’s shoulders straightened as his Warlords handed his daughter down the line
and repeated the vow.
    Assa approached
and handed him his second daughter who squeaked at the transfer. Noisy like her
mother. Vaan grinned and kissed her forehead. “May my daughter be as fierce as
her namesakes. Arane Fenala Galip.” Vaan lifted her high to another round of
    “All hail the
Overlord’s heir! Arane!”
    His men pulled
their swords free and once more drove the points into the floor. Argan returned
to reach for Arane. Another ten minutes were spent while his Warlords offering
his youngling the kiss of protection. Vaan wished Mikayla stood by his side.
Her absence sat like a dull ache in his chest.

Chapter 12
    “The Ba’asi has
    Argan’s statement
brought relief but did not make him hesitate in his actions. Vaan carefully
pushed back the covers and lifted Mikayla into his arms. With measured steps,
he made his way to the window in their bedroom and stopped where he had a

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