The Overlord's Heir
uninterrupted time alone anymore. “I’ll
get Kavan and Balal to watch them.”
    Saran had reluctantly
left to hold Kaban on Vaan’s behalf but made the trip to Raasa so much he might
as well have lived there. Kavan and Balal used every opportunity to be with the
girls. Guarding them, they stressed when Miki questioned their dedication. But
it was love shining back from their eyes whenever either of them held her
daughters and for that Miki was ever grateful.
    She broke away
from Vaan’s hold, ignoring the way his hands lingered at her waist before
releasing her. His touches came more frequent since the birth of the girls.
Each kiss lasted longer than the one before. For now, Miki chose not to mention
the events from her birthing. She never wanted to see the dark look on his face
again from the last time she’d broached the subject.
    Arane crawled over
to Miki’s leg, distracting her. She leaned over and scooped her daughter up in
her arms. Chubby hands latched onto Miki’s hair and shoved the strands into her
mouth using tiny fangs to chew. A hard knock at the door interrupted the
    Vaan circled
around Erana who puckered her face at the loud noise. Undoing the lock, he
admitted Kavan. Miki hid her grin in her daughter’s neck. Vaan’s protective
instincts were worst with the youngling about.
    Both girls
squealed loudly at the sight of one of their favorite Warlords. The tough
warrior flushed but made no attempts to resist as Erana crawled over to him and
begged to be picked up. Holding the youngling, Kavan managed to look serious
and calm as her daughter patted his cheeks, leaving berry smears on his face.
    “Overlord, a
package has come from the Desani King.”
    Vaan frowned and
Miki noticed the brown wrapped box on the floor in the doorway to their
bedroom. “What is it?” Vaan asked, making no move to retrieve it.
    “A gift, sire. For
the birth of your youngling.”
    Miki eased closer,
curiosity overruling caution.
    “I will open it
    “Vaan,” Miki
hissed, knowing he once more tried to protect her. “No secrets between us.”
    Kavan lowered
Erana back to the floor. Lower lip trembling, the youngling protested as tears
glistened on her eyelids. For once Kavan proved strong and did not reach for
her daughter, even though Miki knew the tears would soon lead to full-blown
    “I will return,
Mikayla. I but seek to speak with Kavan.”
    Miki sighed and
let the matter go. Arane, however let out a loud cry when she realized her
father planned to leave the room without her.
    “Hurry,” Miki
warned for her youngling was very attached to Vaan and not afraid to let
all know of her displeasure with unending cries. Vaan claimed it a sign of her
warrior spirit.
    Vaan grabbed the
heavy, rectangular box as he left. During the walk to the lower level where his
office was located, Vaan broached the subject much on his mind.
    “I would ask you a
question, Warlord.”
    Kavan lifted his
gaze. “Speak, sire and I will answer truth.”
    “Those months ago,
you saved Mikayla that day in the woods.” Kavan frowned and turned his head to
the side as if he could avoid the topic but Vaan continued. “You risked much in
giving her your coccar.”
    Kavan’s head
snapped around, eyes blazing. “I risked nothing. I pledged my life for hers.”
    Vaan nodded. “Many
give the vow but few are offered a day to prove their words. In giving her the
coccar, you provided the armor that kept Morid from striking her down.”
    Vaan paused but
Kavan remained quiet. Silence sat comfortably between them. “Tell me truth,
Kavan. How did you know the coccar would allow the transfer? Others have tried
and failed.”
    A harsh sigh and
Kavan bowed his head but Vaan heard the words clearly. “I did not know,
Overlord. I prayed that the Blessed One would let me make amends for my actions
that day in the circle. The coccar does not speak to me as your other Warlords
have experienced. I had only my hope that my

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