The Outlaw
inhalation of breath was enough to grab Colt’s attention. She saw
him turn his head out of the corner of her eye moments before he
hissed out a strangled, “Son of a bitch.” He stood quickly, turning
to face her.
    “Sarah, put your clothes on!”
    She smiled and bent at the waist, scooping a
handful of water and splashing it onto her face. “Why? It’s much
easier to get clean this way. Besides,” she said, standing and
glancing over at him. “You’re naked.”
    He was facing her now and Sarah felt her face
blaze as her gaze naturally traveled over him, ending up in the one
place she should have never looked. Her throat seemed to close off
the moment she did and she turned her head, closing her eyes as
visions of him danced behind her closed eyelids. Lord above if he
wasn’t the most wicked thing she’d ever seen.
    His backside was a sight to behold but the
front… She swallowed again, trying to moisten her throat and found
it hard to catch her breath.
    She imagine many times what a man looked like
naked but it was nothing compared to seeing one in the flesh.
Especially one who was partially aroused. Seeing Colt that way did
funny things to her. Her heart was pounding hard enough to break a
rib, her stomach clenched painfully and a pulse between her legs
made itself known before a funny tingle started to grow there and
    Trying to ignore it all, she bent again,
scooping up more water and washed her face, letting the cool liquid
trickle down over her chest. She heard Colt coming toward her, the
splashing as he stomped across the creek signaling his approach.
She didn’t dare turn her head. Seeing him from a distance was hard
enough without having his most intimate parts in her face. She
blinked the image away moments before he grabbed her arm and pulled
her into an upright position.
    His brows were drawn together, a muscle in
his cheek twitching. “What exactly are you trying to prove?”
    She smiled while looking him in the eye.
“Nothing. I’m just trying to cool off and wash away some of the
dirt and sweat, the same as you.”
    He glanced down the line of her body, heat
flaring in his eyes. Sarah flushed at his casual perusal, her
nipples aching when his gaze landed there. When he lifted his head,
she knew whatever happened next would change her life. She saw it
in the depths of those crystal blue eyes moments before he lifted
his hand to cup the back of her neck. Before he dragged her closer
to him, the heat from his skin scorching her flesh from chest to
thigh. “If you’re trying to tempt me, sweetheart, it’s
    “And why would I do something like that? I’m
trying to wash. You’re the one thinking there’s more behind my
    He smiled but it looked strained, as if it
pained him to do so. “And I’m supposed to just stand here while you
flash all god gave ya and not do a damn thing about it?” He glanced
down at her breasts again and shook his head. “I’m a lot of things,
but a saint aint one of ‘em. Now put your clothes on or I’m going
to have you in every way I can possibly imagine.”
    She was fighting for breath. She could feel
his chest rising against her own, feel the proof of his arousal
against her stomach and the hungry look in his eyes was enough for
her to beg him to take her. His hand at the back of her neck held
her captive, the intense expression on his face caused her heart to
race faster and that aching throb between her legs was causing her
skin to break out in tiny beads of perspiration. What was she
supposed to do? If she dressed, he’d gloat at being able to order
her around. If she didn’t, and decided to defy him, and stayed
naked instead?
    Sarah knew one thing. If she went home
without ever having a taste of a man as wicked as Colt Avery, she’d
live out the rest of her life regretting it. Besides, she was
already ruined. There wouldn’t be a person back home who

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