The Opium Room
more flattering. Women were catty creatures, always looking for an opportunity to break other women down, never build them up. This girl was different. Lea liked her. And she did have a point about Fox loving the visual. What man wouldn’t? But how did Bianca know Lea and Fox were an item? Had he told her something while Lea was in the dressing room?
    “Look,” Bianca said. “If it will make you feel better, I’ll strip down to my bra and panties, so you don’t feel so vulnerable.”
    “Is that supposed to be a good idea?”
    Bianca smiled. With no hesitation and lots of excitement, answered, “Yeah!”
    Lea wasn’t so sure. Fox would never look at Lea if Bianca was half naked too. But then again, Lea would feel better. This was a no win situation, but she didn’t want to be argumentative. “Sure, I guess, go ahead.”
    Bianca took off her clothes in a flash, and lay them on the back of a rack. She wore a lacy red bra and matching thongs. Her legs were a mile long. Lea wanted to cry. Bianca must have sensed her apprehension. She moved Lea’s hair out of her face, cupped her face in her hands. “Stop worrying, okay. You’re beautiful. You’re the only girl in the room.”
    Lea swallowed and nodded. Bianca was standing by with a towel, and she wrapped it around Lea.
    When they walked out, Fox took one look up from the magazine in his hands, and then he let it slip to the floor. “Is this the kind of massage you’re talking about giving to all the customers?” he asked, astounded.
    “I’m not that kind of girl,” Bianca answered, “but Lea needed some coaxing, so I was just helping her out by revealing some skin too. If you want me to put my clothes back on, I can.”
    “Maybe you should,” Fox said.
    “No Fox,” Lea chimed in. “Don’t. That’s actually making me feel more comfortable.”
    “Okay, if that’s really what you want.” Fox picked his magazine up, and flipped through the pages so fast there was no way he was really reading.
    Bianca held Lea’s hand as she helped her onto the massage table on her stomach. She adjusted the towel down to cover Lea’s butt. “Let’s get started.” She poured some oil in her hands and rubbed them together. Lea smelled the scent in the air: cherry.
    Chills erupted down Lea’s arms as soon as Bianca made the first squeeze at the top of her shoulders blades. She closed her eyes. Oh, God, this was going to awesome, wasn’t it?
    Bianca moved the towel down and made figure eight strokes on Lea’s back. She felt the negative energy being lured from her body. Bianca rubbed the outside of Lea’s arms all the way down to her wrist, intertwined her fingers with Lea’s. Rubbed her fingers in and out of Lea’s. This was erotic. She didn’t know if was supposed to be, but it was. She’d nearly forgotten Fox was still in the room.
    After she’d worked on Lea’s back for a few minutes, Bianca moved down to Lea’s legs. She rubbed up and down the whole length of one leg, then the other. Then she spent several minutes on each leg, kneading Lea’s calf muscles. She opened her hand around Lea’s upper leg, rubbing from knee to butt cheek with a firm grip. It was heaven. She was almost asleep when she heard Fox’s chair squeak. She looked up. Fox was standing.
    “I need to step out and take a call. Be back in a few.”
    When Fox closed the door behind him, Lea sat up on the table, bringing the towel up over her breasts. “I don’t know why he left like that,” she told Bianca. “I hope he wasn’t upset because I was ignoring him.” She looked down at her hands in lap. “I didn’t mean to…it just…felt so good.” She was struggling with what she was feeling. Bianca’s massage had turned her on. “I should get dressed and go find him.”
    Bianca was standing in front of her, her thighs touching Lea’s kneecaps. “He’s fine. Trust me, he’s not upset with you.” She moved Lea’s hair away from her neck. “I want you to know,

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