The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella)

The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Tina Donahue

Book: The Omega Team: Death Sentence (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Tina Donahue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Donahue
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wanted to demand. Unfortunately, going alpha would push her away.
    She rubbed his arm. “Everything will be all right. Let’s have a nice dinner then see to my car.”
    “You’re riding with me or an agency escort until this is over. I’ll ask Athena to assign a female agent. Argue if you want, but I’m not backing down on this. I’m not trying to control you. This is about giving you protection.”
    “That may be, but how am I going to explain an Omega Team member taking me to work and picking me up?”
    “If anyone asks, say it’s a friend. Tell them your car needs repairs you can’t afford right now. And stay away from Patricia. Don’t bombard her with questions like you did today.”
    Hallie flapped her hands. “She was ready to talk.”
    “Your tire says otherwise.”
    Hallie’s romantic meal turned into a solemn affair. She and Chase ate quietly, no conversation, teasing, or laughter. Hardly what she needed after a lousy day.
    He’d said she basically had a target on her back. She should have been terrified.
    The thought pissed her off.
    Her mother had lived in fear until Hallie’s father split like the coward he was and gave her peace. That wouldn’t be Hallie’s legacy. No matter what happened at her apartment or Zephron, she wouldn’t allow anyone to intimidate her.
    She looked at Chase. “What?”
    “Squeeze my hand any harder and you might break it.”
    She hadn’t realized she was or had even grabbed him. “Sorry.” She let go.
    “I didn’t say I wanted you to do that.” He kissed her knuckles. “Will you at least reconsider going in tomorrow? I’m only asking for one day.”
    “I can’t.”
    He released her. “Let me ask you something. If you knew I might be walking into danger, how would you react?”
    “I’d beg you not to do it and wouldn’t give up until you caved.” She touched his chest. “Has Dick or Edward tried anything?”
    “No. Why are things different for you than they are for me?”
    “They aren’t.” She pushed her plate away, her appetite gone. “You wouldn’t stop doing your job no matter what I said or did. You’d stand firm. Some might call it being obstinate. Like now.”
    “Are we having our first fight?”
    She laughed then wanted to cry. “Looks like it. Please, let’s stop. Neither of us is going to get what we want in this. Can’t we kiss and make up?”
    Chase hauled her onto his lap. They necked as long-separated lovers did, their carnal hunger intense yet tender.
    In the bedroom, he entered her slowly, their gazes locked in silent communication, their bond deepening.
    Hallie loved him. Shouldn’t have happened given her history, but she couldn’t turn back at this point or imagine a future without him at her side. She gripped his arms. “I’ll be careful, promise. Nothing bad will happen.”
    Anguish swept his features. “It can’t. Not to you.”
    To him either. “It won’t. We’ll keep each other safe.”
    His smile wasn’t wide enough to make a dimple. “Hang on.”
    The most beautiful words in the English language.
    They loved long and well, and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
    Hallie tried to convince Chase that he was overreacting, but he insisted on keeping her lunch in his locker so no one could mess with it, and escorting her to the infirmary.
    At this hour, the night shift streamed out. Except for the patients, she and Chase were the only ones in the room.
    While she checked on her charges and kept them occupied, Chase planted his surveillance device in the wall, the hole far above his head to provide a bird’s eye view of the area. Unless someone searched closely, the tiny gadget was unnoticeable in the pitted and cracked drywall Gatekeeper refused to repair.
    For once, Hallie was delighted greedy bastards owned the company.
    Shirl arrived.
    Patricia followed. She spotted Chase and stopped dead. Her face went slack.
    Hallie didn’t need Patricia’s confession to

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