The Nomad

The Nomad by Simon Hawke

Book: The Nomad by Simon Hawke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon Hawke
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sheathed his daggers. “Who is that man?”
    Sorak turned toward him. “A friend,” he said.
    “Perhaps,” the Guardian cautioned him internally. “And then again, perhaps not.”
    “His name is Valsavis,” Sorak said aloud. “He found me and tended to my wound. And now I am doubly indebted to him.”
    “Then I am indebted to him also,” said Ryana. “Thank you, Valsavis. How may we repay you?”
    Valsavis shrugged. “It was nothing,” he said. “Merely an amusing diversion on an otherwise dull and uneventful journey.”
    Ryana frowned. “Amusing?” she said in a puzzled tone.
    “One finds one’s amusement where one can,” Valsavis replied. “And replenishment of one’s supplies, as well. It seems that these marauders have not only provided us with fresh game and a warm fire, but also a string of kanks well laden with supplies. They will not only make the remainder of our journey easier, but will no doubt find ready purchasers in Salt View. All told, I would say that this has been a rather profitable venture.”
    “I suppose one could look at it that way,” said Ryana, gazing at him strangely.
    Valsavis shrugged. “How else should a mercenary look at it?”
    “I do not know,” Ryana said. “But you fight very well, even for a mercenary.”
    “I have had some experience.”
    “No doubt,” she said. “You are bound for Salt View, then?”
    “Where else is there to go in this forsaken wilderness?” Valsavis replied.
    “Since we are bound for the same destination, then it makes sense for us to travel together,” Sorak said. “And when we reach Salt View, you will have the liberty of selling the goods of these marauders and keeping all the profits for yourself. It is, after all, the very least that we can do to repay you for your service.”
    “I appreciate the offer,” said Valsavis, “however, keeping at least two of the kanks for yourselves would make your journey easier when you choose to leave Salt View. And Salt View is not the sort of place where one can get by without money. Allow me to propose a somewhat more equitable distribution. With your permission, I will undertake to dispose of the marauders’ goods when we reach Salt View. I have some experience in such things, and can negotiate the best price. Then we may distribute the profits equally, in thirds.”
    “There is no need for that,” said Sorak. “Why not half to you and half to us? It will be more than sufficient for our needs.”
    “Very well, agreed,” Valsavis said. Ryana shook her head. “Killing these men was necessary,” she said, “and they deserved it richly, but it still seems wrong for us to profit by their deaths.”
    “I appreciate the sentiment, but would it seem right simply to leave all this behind?” Valsavis asked. “That would be rather wasteful, and not very practical.”
    “I must agree,” said Sorak. “And it would not be the first time that I have profited by the deaths of such as these. The world profits from their absence.”
    “A most unpreserverlike sentiment,” Valsavis said with a smile, “but I heartily concur. And now that we have settled that, I suggest we remove these bodies to a suitable distance, so that we are not plagued by flies and carrion beasts. Then I, for one, intend to enjoy some of that wine these departed souls have been so kind as to provide us with. I have worked up a mighty thirst.”
    Later that night, after they had disposed of the marauders’ bodies by tossing them into a nearby ravine, Ryana sat with Sorak by the fire, and Valsavis slept nearby in his bedroll, having emptied an entire skinful of wine. The marauders had brought some food with them among their supplies, some bread as well as a mixture of dried fruits and nuts and seeds that Ryana was able to eat without breaking her druidic vows. She had regained some of her strength, though the ordeal of the journey and her captivity had clearly taken a lot out of her.
    “What do you make of him?” she

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