The New Bottoming Book
like fires and earthquakes: nobody should ever be left alone while in bondage, especially very restrictive or standing bondage.

    Standing bondage is demanding on the circulation, especially when your top is busily attracting all your blood to below your waist: there may not be enough left to operate your brain. Tell your top if you start to feel dizzy or nauseated. You may be tempted to carry on a little longer because you're having such a good time, but you wont be able to carry on at all if you throw up or faint... so let your top know what's going on with you; you can always continue the scene once you get horizontal.

    Use padded wrist cuffs with your arms spread apart, so if your weight falls suddenly you won't break a wrist or dislocate a shoulder. Don't allow any vulnerable parts of your body, like your neck or your genitals, to be tied to a stationary object like an eyebolt, unless the rest of your body is well enough supported to protect them if you fall.

    Many tops like to add "panic snaps" to standing bondage so they don't have to lift their bottom's weight in case of a faint; a winch, so you can be lowered gradually and comfortably to the ground, is an even better idea.
    Fainting is also common when the scene is over and your arms are let down, so be extra-careful during this time.

    Collaborative Bondage. Some bondage scenes arc so technically demanding that they require full cooperation and ongoing communication between the top and the bottom - full suspension bondage, in which ropes must be placed with tremendous care and precision, is a good example. In such a technically complex scene, the top and the bottom may work together toward a mutual goal of sensation, and neither of them may feel the need to go into role or to get out of intellect in order to do it.

    Dossie has participated in full-body suspension scenes requiring as much as five hours to set up and enjoy; throughout the scene, she was required to communicate in accurate detail about her sensations so that the ropes could be placed in the proper locations and with the proper tightness.

    Many bondage scenes start out collaboratively, then shift in tone - applying bondage safely and thoroughly requires considerable cooperation from the bottom. Once you arc securely tied up, you may play a
    non-collaborative scene that involves struggling, squirming, begging and other delights, and having comfortable bondage will add immeasurably to the pleasure of such a scene.

    The benefit to collaborative scenes is that they offer a safe way to experience mind-blowing sensations. They are
    easy on the top in that she doesn't have to wonder about the bottom's state of mind or whether consent is still meaningful. Such scenes may be the best way to play with someone for the first time, particularly if you're feeling at all unsure about the person or if either of you is a novice.

    However, they do require that you stay in your mind and body; you may or may not find that you can still get "trancey" and high as you give good feedback to your top. In Dossie's aforementioned suspension scene, after literally hours of trial and error, with much discussion, the suspension was finally accomplished and Dossie was hanging in the air in a web of rope. The top rang a chime in her ear, and she instantly shot off, entranced, into a deep and meditative bottom space.

    Sensory Deprivation. Bondage often goes with sensory deprivation: with earplugs, a blindfold, possibly a head hood, and plastic wrap around the fingers and toes so you can't even feel your own skin, you will not know where your top is until he touches you or speaks near enough to your ears so that you can hear. Bottoms lose their time sense in the altered state of sensory deprivation, so we recommend that tops make contact frequently the first couple of times you try this scene, until you learn what your limits are.

    Sensory deprivation can also be much simpler: a blindfold is a very potent toy. Taking away the

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