The Mortal One (The Mortal One Series)

The Mortal One (The Mortal One Series) by Shannon Bell

Book: The Mortal One (The Mortal One Series) by Shannon Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon Bell
my whole body. I watched the strobes flash through the next room where people were practically standing on top of each other to dance. It was such a shame people were packed in here like sardines with all the art on the walls from different local artists. Each to their own, I guess.
    I felt the cushion give a little beside me.
    “That was quick,” I said, turning just in time to realize it wasn’t Nico. “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
    “No, no I’m not. But I’m glad that I caught you without him for a minute.” The man’s voice carried an accent heavily Italian. He watched me through bluish-grey eyes and impossibly long eyelashes. His pitch black hair was pulled into a tight ponytail hanging just at shoulder length.
    I was startled by his forwardness. “I’m really not interested,” I said as I stood to search for Nico. The bar area was packed and I couldn’t spot him out of the crowd.
    “I didn’t ask you if you were,” the dark-haired stranger replied.
    I took a step away from him, hoping Nico could hear this conversation and come rescue me – sooner than later.
    “Why don’t you sit back down,” the man suggested, pointing to the empty spot next to him.
    I took another step away. “No, thank you. I’ve got to get—”
    “I said why don’t you sit back down,” he commanded. “I’m not going to ask again.” The music was loud but I managed to hear every word he said. I looked around the club but no one seemed to be paying any mind to this corner of the room.
    I took a seat next to him. Nico, help! I was hoping he could hear me over the mass of people.
    “Nico’s been told to give us a few minutes, so I’ll ask you not to speak to him right now and focus on me.”
    My head snapped sharply into focus. Shit. I was sitting next to another vampire. Someone who had the authority to tell Nico what to do. My nerves were starting to shake me. I nodded and looked over at the vampire. “Okay,” I said, sitting back down beside him.
    He turned his attention to me. “My name is Costin. I am the sovereign of the Toscana region.” He looked over at me and realized that he had scared the shit out of me. “You do not need to fear me, I merely mean to speak with you so you and I can come to a better understanding of what it means to be a pet.”
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I answered. I didn’t know what else to say. It wasn’t exactly every day I met a vampire, let alone one who ruled an entire region.
    There was intelligence behind his eyes making him look older, but his skin was flawless. I studied him, realizing he looked younger than Nico by probably three or four years. Costin couldn’t have been more than twenty six when he was turned. How many years ago was that?
    Costin peered over me curiously as I sat tense beside him. He moved the collar of my shirt down, looking for something. Goosebumps covered me from neck to fingertips. “Has he not marked you yet?” His cold fingers pressed against my skin. “I can smell his scent on you, quite strong actually, but there is no mark.” He made this more of an announcement than a question, but I still felt like he wanted an answer from me.
    His comment about scent made me blush and I wasn’t sure if he knew how the scent came to be. I prayed like hell he didn’t.
    The music continued to pound through the walls but it was as though someone had hit mute. I could only seem to focus on Costin and his intense stare. People walked past us, not looking twice. I wondered if Nico was watching us from another part of the club.
    “I’m not sure what kind of mark you’re looking for,” I replied. I thought of the past forty eight hours and couldn’t remember the word “mark” coming up in any of our conversations. There were much more interesting things to focus on which happened recently, I thought privately while replaying his caresses. I stopped suddenly and tried to think of anything but that in case Costin had the

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