The Millionaire Cowboy's Secret
changed into her large, comfy T-shirt and climbed into bed. Sometimes she had trouble going back to sleep. She’d bet she wouldn’t this morning. She’d probably drop off an instant after her head hit the pillow.
    In fact, lying down was the last thing she remembered before something woke her. Knock, knock. Jumping down from the bed, Talia woofed softly, letting Skylar know whoever was at her door wasn’t a threat. Squinting at the clock, Skylar saw it was six-thirty. Still early. What the heck? Had she managed to forget some appointment?
    “Skylar, are you in there?”
    Matt. Again.
    Belatedly, she remembered his discovering her in his bedroom and the blazingly hot kiss they’d shared. Had he decided to wait until the morning to toss her out?
    He knocked again. “Are you in there?”
    “Yes,” she managed. “I was asleep. What’s wrong?” While she couldn’t afford to be too ungracious, she’d only gotten a little more than an hour of sleep. She imagined she looked as if she’d been run over by a truck. She certainly felt that way.
    “Nothing’s wrong,” he said, sounding close, despite the metal separating them. “We’ve got a big breakfast waiting up at the house, if you’re interested.”
    Groggy, she stared at the door. Instead of kicking her out, he was inviting her to breakfast? Her stomach growled, but she was more interested in sleep.
    “I know you have an article to write and a deadline, so I thought we could get started on that. I don’t want you photographing the horses that have burns, but I’ve got several others you can take pictures of.”
    Her cover. Right. “When?” she asked, rubbing her eyes and hoping he’d give her enough time to down at least half a pot of coffee, liberally spiked with her favorite energy drink.
    “Right after breakfast,” he said. Then, to her horror, the trailer door opened and Matt stepped inside.
    Gaping at him while her traitorous dog bounced around greeting him with effusive joy, she dragged a hand through her hair and winced.
    Now he smiled. He looked so damn handsome her body came instantly awake. Of course, her mouth went dry as she thought of the kiss they’d shared.
    “You don’t look like you’ve slept too well,” he pointed out. She had to bite her tongue to keep from making a sarcastic reply.
    “I didn’t,” she said instead, eyeing him and hating the way she felt as if she were waiting for the other shoe to drop.
    He waited, his silent gaze challenging her to say something. Defiantly, she tossed her undoubtedly horrible hair and crossed her arms. Damned if she’d say it first.
    “What were you doing in my room yesterday?” he finally asked, as nonchalantly as if discussing the weather.
    Swallowing hard, she mentally cursed her lack of a believable answer. “I’m a journalist,” she finally said. “I was looking for hints to the true you.”
    Lame, but the best she had at the moment. And closer to the truth than he’d ever know.
    One dark brow arched. “You’re not writing an exposé,” he pointed out. “You are doing a story on my Arabians, right?”
    “Yes, of course.” Indignant—and that not entirely faked—she sat up straight. “But the article is also about you as a breeder and rancher.” Swallowing, she managed what she hoped was a contrite expression. “I was wrong to search your room without your permission. I promise it won’t happen again.”
    He eyed her for a moment, as though considering. When he finally gave a slight nod, she breathed a sigh of relief. “Just see that it doesn’t. Now, about the photo shoot...”
    Round one to him. “When did you want to do that?” she asked.
    “I was going to suggest we start after breakfast.” He smiled at the horrified look she gave him. “But since you’re so obviously not awake, how about you meet me in the big outdoor riding arena in an hour? Will that work?”
    She struggled to focus on what he was saying, trying not to stare at his mouth and

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