The Mayan Apocalypse

The Mayan Apocalypse by Mark Hitchcock

Book: The Mayan Apocalypse by Mark Hitchcock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Hitchcock
    â€œBored?” Lisa motioned to Garrett’s restless fingers.
    â€œMe?” He looked down. “No. Sorry. I do that when I think.”
    â€œCheck this out: A man named Percival Lowell thought for a long time that a ninth planet beyond Neptune was part of our solar system— this was known as the Planet X hypothesis. But after discovering Pluto, astronomers soon discovered a tenth planet. There are those who say this is the planet Nibiru, spoken of by ancient Sumerianastronomers five thousand years ago. The official name of the planet is 2003 UB313—you might have heard that it was recently called Eris.”
    â€œThat’s fascinating, but what does that have to do with 2012?”
    â€œHere’s where another 2012 doomsday theory comes in. In this scenario, the earth is on a collision course—or at least a near-collision course—with 2003 UB313. Technically, it should be called a dwarf planet even though it is larger than the dwarf planet Pluto. It has a long elliptical orbit, which doomsayers say will intersect with our inner solar system and create havoc on the earth as it sails by.”
    â€œYou know, you sound like you believe this stuff.” Garrett leaned back a few inches as if he expected Lisa to slap him.
    â€œI don’t believe in the 2012 prophecies. I don’t believe that December of that year will be any worse than any month in any other year.”
    â€œSo everyone is wrong?”
    â€œOnly those who think the Mayan calendar predicts all this.”
    Garrett drummed the tabletop again then caught himself. “Still, there’s been the volcano in Mexico and the meteorite in Arizona.”
    Lisa rubbed her eyes. “First, the volcano in Mexico—it’s a tragedy. Hundreds died, including some of the scientists studying the mountain, but eruptions are not as rare as most people think. From my research, I’ve learned that over a hundred and fifty volcanic eruptions occur in a decade. Italy’s Stromboli volcano has been erupting for more than a thousand years.”
    â€œYes. There are years with as many as sixty eruptions. Some we hear about; some we don’t. Some are small; others are very large. And as far as meteorite strikes go, approximately forty thousand tons of material fall to Earth from space. Most of it is the size of a dust particle. Of course, there are some that are as large as a Volkswagen, but that’s rare.”
    â€œSo what now, boss?”
    â€œI’m not your boss, Garrett. I’m just another reporter, albeit more experienced.”
    â€œIsn’t more experienced an euphemism for—”
    â€œWatch it.” Lisa stood, closed her laptop, and lifted it from the table. “I’ll forward the background research to you. Study it.”
    â€œWhat are you going to do?”
    â€œI have to figure out a way to get Andrew Morgan to meet with me again.”

A ndrew Morgan grunted. He grunted again, then again. Fire blazed in his arms and down his back, threatening to scorch him from the inside out.
    The pain grew, expanding into the small of his back and around his ribs. Dots of perspiration spread to form rivulets of sweat coursing from his forehead and cheeks. He closed his eyes to block out the room and—it seemed to him—to keep his eyes from popping out of their sockets. His vision had turned blurry anyway.
    He struggled to suck in a lungful of air. He needed oxygen, and he needed it badly.
    â€œEasy, pal. You’re gonna bust a gut.”
    Morgan ignored him and mustered enough strength to push against the bar, moving it inch by inch to the stops, exhaling noisily as he did.
    â€œI’m serious, man. What are you trying to prove?”
    Morgan wanted to do another rep to prove the man with him wrong. He could take it. No matter how much his muscle complained, he could do another set.
    The muscles in his shoulders and arms quit. The chrome bar

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